
I. Fundamentals

  • Fields, magnetostatics, units
  • Atomic magnetism
  • Symmetries in solid state systems
  • Exchange interactions
  • Magnetic anisotropy and magnetosctricton
  • Surface and interface magnetism
  • Domains, domain walls, spin textures
  • Dipolar and exchange spin waves
  • Magnetization reversal processes
  • Spintronics / orbitronics

II. Techniques

  • X-ray and neutron scatering
  • Measuring magnetism
  • Spin-wave resonance techniques
  • Magnetic microscopy
  • Density functional theory applied to magnetism
  • Micromagnetics and atomic spin dynamics
  • Quantum spin transport

III. Functions and applications

  • Magnetocalorics
  • Permanent magnets
  • Magnetism in multiferroic materials
  • magnetoelectric sensors
  • Using topological magnetic textures in device
  • Stabilizing skyrmions in multiferroic materials
  • Multiferroics in industrial applications

IV. Industrial and career perspective


Practical are organized to practice the use of numerical, analytical or experimental techniques, related to topics covered by the lectures. They are proposed both to onsite and online participants.

Question-Answer sessions (5-10h)

The purpose of a research School is to provide young scientists with the basics in a working field. With this respect interactivity between students and lecturers should be promoted. Like in the previous editions, a key aspect of this interactivity is the possibility to raise questions at the end as well as during the course of the lectures, both for onsite and online participants. Besides, several sessions of questions take place, during which the lecturers or voluntary students present in more detail issues raised by the students during the lectures or anonymously through a question-box.


A library consisting of a large set of books dedicated to various aspects of Magnetism is on display during the entire School. Its purpose is first to get students aware of the existing books, get acquainted with their use, and also serve as a support for activities during the School.


We encourage participants to bring posters to present their work. Poster will be displayed at all times during the school, plus with dedicated poster tims slots. Students are also asked to present their poster in a one-slide teaser as an exercice to summarize their work. Several poster prizes will be awarded, including a voucher for free attendance to the next Joint European Magnetism Symposia conference.

Tentative program