The General Council (GC) consists of representatives of the European countries active in magnetism research, typically one representative per country. Members are renewed on a three-year basis. In addition, the GC has regular invited members with no voting rights. The GC defines the general policy developed by the EMA. It oversees that the actions developed by the EMA, as well as those developed by associated bodies (ESM, JEMS, etc..), respect the Statute of the association.
The General Council is described as follows, in the statutes of the EMA.
The General Council consists of representatives of the European countries1 active in magnetism research (one representative per country)2. Representatives are elected country by country by members with voting rights of the existing General Council, based on at most three nominees. The country representatives who are about to end their term, in connection with their national communities, are in charge of proposing these nominees. Nominations may be submitted via respective national magnetism societies / associations, the magnetism section of the national Physical society or by other types of existing official organisations or structures on magnetism. In case only one person is nominated for a given country, the result is valid only if 50% or more of members of the GC with voting rights proceed to the vote. The mandate of a national representative is three years, renewable once. The election takes place from April to June every year, and the new mandate starts the day of the next meeting of the GC. The mandate of the leaving national representative ends the day before this meeting.
1 A country within the European continent, or a country or geographical area hosting a physical society that is member of the European Physical Society (Participation is currently suspended for Belarus and Russia).
2 A country is considered as active in magnetism, if at least one paper has been published every year within the past five years.
The current General Council consists of approximately 20% women and 80% men. While this is commensurate with an estimate of the percentage of senior female professors in the physical sciences in Europe [1], EMA is actively working towards improving gender balance and inclusivity.
[1] She Figures 2024, Gender in Research and Innovation: Statistics and Indicators, European Commission
Anatoli Sidorenko Andrejs Cebers Cathrine Frandsen Maarit Karppinen Vladan Kusigerski Ivan Nedkov Damir Pajić Raivo Stern Alex Tovstolytkin |
Johan Akerman Denis Arčon Agustina Asenjo Barahona Riccardo Bertacco Susana Cardoso Freitas Thomas Moore Emmanuelle Jal Dariusz Kaczorowski Plamen Stamenov Alexandru Stancu Dieter Suess Vassilis Tangoulis Karel Carva Christoph Adelmann Lajos K. Varga Kornel Richter Nerija Zurauskiene Erik Wahlström Mustafa Oztürk |
Oliver Gutfleisch Mary-Hrachoohi Boghosian Dirk Grundler Fridrik Magnus Andreas Michels Theo Rasing Alexander Shengelaya Theodossis Trypiniotis Ora Entin Wohlman |
Invited members are representatives of entities listed below and acting at the European scale in collaboration with EMA. They take part in meetings of the General Council with no voting rights.
The European magnetometry network The Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society Petaspin The European Institute of Molecular Magnetism The SpinTronic Factory |
Christian Back Pietro Gambardella |
Elinor Galanis Vojtěch Uhlíř Bartel Van Wayenberge Rastislav Varga Numan Akdogan Dennis Gerhard Meier |
Sergei Trukhanov |
Leon Abelmann Nikolay Perov |
Franca Albertini John Michael Coey Tomasz Dietl Paulo Freitas Manuel R. Ibarra Tomas Jungwirth Nicoletta Lupu Dimitris Niarchos Per Nordblad Thomas Schrefl Bartel Van Wayenberge Rastislav Varga Elinor Galanis |