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  • Jeffrey McCord: new Officer for EMA Awards


    It is our pleasure to inform you that Jeffrey McCord from Kiel University, Germany, is the new Officer for EMA Awards. Jeffrey was proposed by the board of EMA and formally approved at the General Council meeting on 3rd July 2024.

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  • EMA Editorial for July 2024


    In this editorial, we report on the annual meeting of EMA’s General Council that took place during the ICM 2024 in Bologna, Italy. Furthermore, we provide some key information about JEMS 2025, which will take place in Frankfurt, Germany. We also invite you to consider individual and group membership to support EMA’s actions.

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  • EMA Editorial for June 2024


    In this Editorial, Olivier FRUCHART and Dennis MEIER, President and Vice-President, announce the renewed General Council (GC) members and the newly-elected ones.

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  • Renewals and new members of the General Council


    It is with great pleasure that we announce the renewed General Council (GC) members and the newly-elected ones.

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  • EMA Editorial for May 2024


    In this editorial, Christian Back, officer for awards, disclose the result of the EMA Young Scientist Award 2024.

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  • 2024 EMA awards: results


    The EMA Young Scientist Award 2024 goes to Alvaro Martín Gallo Cordova

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  • SAL is a supporting members of EMA


    We are very pleased to count the Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) as a supporting member of EMA

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  • EMA Editorial for April 2024


    In this Editorial, Olivier FRUCHART and Dennis MEIER, President and Vice-President, draw our attention to the annual elections of the General Council members of the European Magnetism Association (EMA).

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  • EMA Editorial for February 2024


    In this Editorial, Nuala CAFFREY, EMA Officer, discusses Gender and Diversity within the EMA, highlighting ongoing and upcoming actions: EMA Discord channel ‘Women in Magnetism’, International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

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  • Become member of EMA!


    Become a free member or a supporting member of EMA and support the community and our actions!

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