Research Assessment

Research Assessment

EMA signatory of the coalition for advancing research assessment (CoARA)

Many activities of EMA require research and researcher assessment: at the Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) and at the European School on Magnetism (EMS) for selecting committees, invited speakers, and grant recipients; for choosing the winners of our awards (i.e., the young scientist award and the Dominique Givord award); for organizing the search and election of national representatives on the General Council, as well as Vice-Presidents and Officers of EMA upon renewal.

We are devoted to implementing fair assessment practices and focus on qualitative rather than quantitative evaluation procedures, avoiding voting based solely on names, without written arguments relevant to the given situation. Furthermore, we promote inclusiveness by monitoring for balance, considering aspects such as gender, age, geographical origin, research topic, etc. We are convinced that by doing so, we are contributing to improving equity and ethics in our community.

Therefore, in October 2022, the Executive Board of EMA proposed to support CoARA, a European coalition promoting good practices in research assessment (https://coara.eu/). Signatories of the coalition include research-funding and -performing organizations, national/regional assessment agencies, and different kinds of associations, and EMA is now listed among them to support CoARA.

Link: Full CoARA agreement