Legal Mentions

Legal Mentions

The web site magnetism.eu is owned by the European Magnetism Association

Legal statutes of the European Magnetism Association:
Alsace-Moselle French association, with headquarters 6, rue des frères Lumière – 68200 Mulhouse – France
SIRET : 923 726 426 00011 – APE: 9609Z
VAT not applicable, according to art. 293B, French CGI regulation

Email: contact@magnetism.eu
Web form: https://magnetism.eu/contact-form

Publishing manager
Olivier FRUCHART, President

While we have made every effort to ensure the reliability of the information contained on this website, the European Magnetism Association cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions, or for any results that may be obtained from the use of this information.
The European Magnetism Association is bound only by an obligation of means concerning the information it makes available to persons accessing its website.
In addition, the use of hypertext links may lead your consultation of our site to other servers, that is, servers over which the European Magnetism Association has no control.

In compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), data provided to EMA (registration, surveys, participation at events etc.) is stored on a server with secured and limited access. This data is processed anonymously and solely in the context it is provided. No information is passed to any third-party entity. Except for EMA registration, remaining implicitly valid unless otherwise requested, data is stored no more than 24 months after collection.

Web host
EOLAS, with data centers located in Grenoble, France, Europe
29 rue Servan, 38000 Grenoble, France - SIRET 345 039 416 00713
An Orange Business Services SA division, RCS Bobigny 345 039 416, VAT FR26345039416