
History of ESM

Since the beginning of the 90's several scientific collaborations have taken place between French laboratories and the University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The relationship between the Babes-Bolyai University and Grenoble laboratories associated with CNRS, Joseph Fourier University and Grenoble-INP led to the establishment of a French-Romanian Summer School on Magnetism. Their purpose was to get students and scientists from Romania and France to attend high level classes on advanced topics, lectured by experts from both countries.

The first school took place in 1997 in Oradea, on Magnetism of Nanoscopic Systems and the second one in 1999 in Cluj, on High Perfomance Permanent Magnets. The School was then extended to other branches of Physics by the two Universities: in 2001 the summer school was held in Cluj on Spectroscopic analysis and was co-organized by the Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique in Grenoble. The following summer school was held in Brasov in September 2003 on the subject Magnetism of Nanostructured Systems and Hybrid Structures. After this school, it appeared more evident that the organization of such schools corresponds to a real need of the European community of Magnetism. On these grounds, it was proposed that a "European School on Magnetism" is established with the objective of organizing appropriate schools and workshops on a regular basis. This change was endorsed by a core of founding European members (see bottom of page).

In 2010 the scientific advisory committee of ESM and the international advisory committee of the Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) met and proposed that the two events be closely linked, as both are being organized collaboratively with a view to sustaining the European activity in Magnetism. Beyond the coordination of both advisory committees, it has been decided to organize yearly either ESM and JEMS however not both, to avoid overlaps and thus favor the attendance of both actions, especially for young scientists. JEMS and ESM are now accessed through the common gateway magnetism.eu.

The 2013 School was held in Cargèse, Corsica (France), in the Spring 2013. Like previous editions of ESM, the 2013 School aimed at providing a thorough insight in Magnetism based on a broad series of fundamental lectures, while proposing the latest insights in today's Magnetism with lectures focusing on a special topic. In 2013 it was Magnetism for Energy. This topic covered a wide range of phenomena from materials for energy conversion and harvesting, and spintronics for lower-consumption microelectronics. It raised both fundamental issues of condensed matter physics, and opportunities for applications. The school consisted of 22 lectures, presented over a period of 10 days, by scientists and industrials who are directly active in today's research. Tutorials, poster sessions and several open question sessions took place, which permitted a very good, sustained and open interaction between the students and the lecturers.

The ESM 2015 was held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, with topic From basic magnetic concepts to Spin currents. It gathered 110 participants, with a vast majority of PhD students. These came from 27 countries mostly in Europe, however with a few participants from Japan, Korea, India, Mexico, Israel... As for previous School, activities consisted in lectures (40h), question sessions (8h), access to a Library on Magnetism, and practicals (4-6h). The latter comprised ab initio calculations, spin numerical models, exercises on units, model of ferromagnetism, spin currents, Rashba effects, conneciton of experiments with theory, and the first experimental practical - Magnetic Force Microscopy.

In 2016 a European steering committee was created. This new committee is a small group of persons willing to dedicate some of their time to maintain the School on tracks on the long run. It is in charge of determining School sites and topics, ascribe lecturers to each topic, select students for participation, monitor the budget, maintain the spirit of the School and decide on any changes pertaining to it.

The ESM 2017 was held in Cargèse, Corsica, France; with topic Condensed Matter Magnetism: bulk meets nano and chaired by Virginie Simonet (FR).

The 2018 summer school ESM 2018: Magnetism by Light heralded a new era: it was decided that the school will travel around Europe and visit other locations than France and Romania. In 2018 it was held in Krakow, Poland and chaired by Marek Przybylski. The first country aside from France-Romania duo should have been initially Czech Republic in 2019. However, as it was also decided that the school will be held anually (except when IEEE Mag. Soc. school is in Europe), the first place went to Poland. The main reason for incresing the school frequency was the high amount of students (and postdocs) interested in the participation - the amount of requests was sometimes 2x or 3x higher than the number available places (which implied a high rejection rate)...

The 2019 school ESM 2019: Experimental techniques (Brno, Czechia) offered many experimental practicals (tutorials): magnetic microscopies (Kerr, LTEM, SEMPA, MFM), VNA, BLS, ... to name a few.

The 2020 school was supposed to be held in Saarbrücken, Germany with a timely topic Magnetism and Societal Challenges (and related student projects). However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak it was shifted to 2022. Instead of it, the first virtual e-ESM: Fundamentals of Magnetism was held. The large rescheduling of events in 2020 led to cancellation (postponing) of the IEEE Magnetics Society summer school and addition of 2021 ESM summer school in Cluj, Romania (initially the 2021 IEEE school was planned to be in Europe and thus no ESM was scheduled for 2021).

Link to all schools.