

This is a forum for posting job announcements related to magnetism, in the academics and private sector, both fixed term and tenured positions.

SAL Job offer: Head of Magnetic Microsystem Technologies


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Results 10/41 - Page 1/5
  • Post-doc


    Novel states of matter at oxide interfaces studied by magnetotransport

    Palaiseau, France

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :See the attached PDF + link https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR137-MANBIB-025/Default.aspx?lang=EN
  • Post-doc


    Modeling for spintronics: simulation at the interface between micromagnetism [...]

    Grenoble, France

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :The aim of this project is to develop a digital twin for spintronics - a platform for simulating and characterising a magnetic object from its theoretical design through to analysis by magnetic microscopy. To achieve this, it is necessary to bring together, make compatible and carry out the calibration between different existing codes that are used during the key stages: micromagnetic simulation, conversion of theoretical data into experimental contrast and acquisition of experimental images. The work will be [...]
  • PhD or PD


    Postdoc and PhD positions in Experimental Spintronics

    Madrid, Spain

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Description of the project: The Spintronics and Nanodevices group lead by Prof. Saül Vélez (www.velezlab.es) is looking for 1 postdoc and 1 PhD student to join the team. The candidates will work on Experimental Spintronics with focus on exploring orbitronic phenomena in light materials and interfaces. The candidates will investigate the underlying physics behind the generation and transport of orbital angular momentum currents for their use in innovative magnetic memory and computing applications. The devices will [...]
  • PhD


    Development of magnetoresistive sensors in the body temperature range for [...]

    Madrid, Spain

    Yearly income : Full-time employment contract for 3 years - MSCA allowance

    Description of the offer :*This position is one of the 11 of the MSCA Doctoral Network 'NeuroNanotech'* The aim of the project is the complete characterization of magnetoresistive sensors from room to body temperature, including the development and optimization of the associated electronics. The properties of the sensors developed by the researchers R3 (in CNRS-GREYC) and R4 (in CEA) will be studied and compared to state-of-the-art commercial sensors of high performance but not suitable for implantation. The researcher will be responsible [...]
  • PhD


    PhD: Surface acoustic waves for novel magnetism-based devices

    Paris, France

    Yearly income : 1662€ net per month, ie about 20k€/year

    Description of the offer :Magnetism intervenes in the data storage components, with information coded by the magnetization direction of submicronic magnetic domains. The calculations are instead done using semiconducting materials, with transistors performing logical operations (“NOT”, “AND” etc.). A new paradigm proposes to use magnetic materials to perform these operations, by en-coding the information on the amplitude and phase of so-called “spin-waves”, magnetic exci-tations, with GHz frequencies, and micron wavelengths. They can be [...]
  • PhD


    X-ray spectroscopy of multinuclear spin-crossover molecules

    Berlin, Germany

    Yearly income : 75% of german E13 TV-L FU

    Description of the offer :The project is embedded in the priority program 2491 of the German Research Foundation (DFG) on interactive switching of spin states and consists of research on di- and trinuclear spin-crossover molecules with the goal to investigate intramolecular coupling and cooperativity in thermal and light-induced spin-switching behavior in bulk materials and adsorbed monolayers. In addition to X-ray absorption spectroscopy, synchrotron-radiation-based THz spectroscopy is being used as a new method for characterization of [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoctoral Fellow in Kagome Lattice and van der Waals based Quantum Materials

    Villigen, Switzerland

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Your tasks Growth of kagome materials in thin film form Exfoliation of thin flakes in vdW magnets Patterning of devices via microfabrication Investigation of electronic/heat transport Your profile You have a PhD in physics with solid knowledge of condensed matter physics, quantum mechanics, and magnetism. You have interest in a wide range of physics and experimental techniques and you are capable to adapt to new challenges. You are an independent researcher but at the same time a good team player. You possess the [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc in micromagnetic modeling of new magnetic composites

    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Yearly income : ~55000 EUR

    Description of the offer :At the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) we are looking for a postdoc to work on novel micromagnetic modeling of new magnetic composites. We will investigate the necessary exchange coupling and nano-structuring needed to realize a strong permanent magnet using our state-of-the-art open source micromagnetic model, MagTense, which you will help develop further. You will research and realize numerical techniques that can be used in micromagnetic problems and in collaboration with Aarhus University, you will get [...]
  • Post-doc


    Modelling of magnetoelectric Spin Triangles

    Strasbourg, France

    Yearly income : 2700-3700 € depending on experience

    Description of the offer :Spin triangles are magnetic molecules predicted to display spin chirality, magnetoelectricity and protected quantum degrees of freedom. These characteristics could allow electric spin control and long spin coherence properties. In the past we have confirmed the magnetoelectric couplings in these molecules and now wish to better understand the underlying mechanisms. We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with excellent grasp of the development of spin Hamiltonian models, particularly using software toolboxes [...]
  • PhD or PD


    Experimental Spintronics (Orbitronic phenomena in light materials and [...]

    Madrid, Spain

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :The Spintronics and Nanodevices group lead by Prof. Saül Vélez (www.velezlab.es) is looking for 1 postdoc and 1 PhD student to join the team. The candidates will work on Experimental Spintronics with focus on exploring orbitronic phenomena in light materials and interfaces. The candidates will investigate the underlying physics behind the generation and transport of orbital angular momentum currents for their use in innovative magnetic memory and computing applications. The devices will be fabricated by thin [...]
Results 10/41 - Page 1/5

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