The following links are provided as a service collecting information related to magnetism. This does not imply endorsement of the content by the European Magnetism Association.
Wish to make a suggestion for a tool on magnetism? Send us a message.
Magnetization dynamics and processes
CMTJ: Python package for macrospin analysis of multilayer spintronics devices, (s)LLGS
Excalibur: Numerical modeling and analysis of the equilibrium states of magnetic and superconducting systems (GPU-accelerated) [commercial]
FORCinel: Processing, analysis and simulation of first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams
MagAnalyst: Matlab toolbox to model the magnetization of soft magnetic materials
MaxLLG: High-frequency magnetics commercial cloud computing SW; design and optimization of magnetic components and devices for RF, microwave, mm wave applications [commercial]
Opera simulation software: FEM multiphysics: static and HF electromagnetics, magnets, hysteresis, (de)magnetization [commercial]
SpinW: Matlab library for simulations of magnetic structures and spin wave dispersion in complex magnetic systems
TRAFOLO: 3D FEM simulations for power electronics - electromagnetic and heat-transfer solver [commercial]
Boris Computational Spintronics: FD multi-physics and multi-scale, CPU/GPU, LLG/LLB + drift-diffusion spin transport, heat flow, mechanical stress-strain solver, ... open-source
FEMME: micromagnetic package, also used in industry for the design of magnetic nanostructures [commercial, superseded with Magnum.fe]
Fidimag: finite difference atomistic and micromagnetic simulation package; see also software metapaper
MagTense: a micromagnetism and magnetostatic framework [open source]
(Micro)Magnum: forked - Magnum.fe (finite elements, commercial) and Magnum.fd (free, finite differences, works on CPU and GPU) Python library (pytorch-based) for micromagnetic simulations, finite differences, CPU and GPU, open-source
MERRILL: Mineral Micromagnetics for the Earth Science Community (finite/boundary elements, open source)
MicroMagnetic.jl: A Julia package for classical spin dynamics and micromagnetic simulations with GPU support (works on CPU and GPU - not only Invidia) [open source]
MicroMagus: quasistatic and dynamic micromagnetic simulations on magnetic thin films and multilayer elements [commercial]
NeuralMag: micromagnetic simulation software (Python package) using the nodal finite-differences, designed specifically with inverse problems in mind. CPU or GPU.
Nmag: a finite element micromagnetic software including spin transfer torque; (successor: Finmag)
tetmag: Finite-element (FEM) software for general-purpose micromagnetic simulations; CPU (also on GPU), open-source
TetraX: FEM micromagnetic modeling; energy minimizers, an LLG solver, FEM dynamic-matrix approaches (for spin-wave dispersions).
Ubermag: Framework to drive micromagnetic simulators (OOMMF, mumax3) from Python and from within the Jupyter Notebook (successor of JOOMMF), Tutorial videos
ANT (Atomistic Nano Transport): electrical transport (+spin) in atomically defined nanostructures. ANT combines self-consistent field electronic calculations (typically DFT), Landauer transport and the (non-equilibrium) Greens functions formalisms.
DeepSPIN: method for deep learning potential of magnetic systems (generates high-precision predictive models of energy, atomic forces, and magnetic torques in magnetic systems based on first-principles input).
Fidimag: finite difference atomistic and micromagnetic simulation package; see also software metapaper
GOLLUM: Quantum transport; computes the charge, spin and thermal transport properties of multi-terminal nano-scale junctions.
JAMS: a GPU accelerated atomistic spin dynamics code.
juDFT: collection of DFT codes with juSpinX (atomistic classical spin dynamics at finite temperature + Monte Carlo)
KITE: open source SW for simulating electronic structure and quantum transport properties of large-scale molecular and condensed systems
Kwant: Python package for numerical calculations on tight-binding models with a strong focus on quantum transport (spintronics, molecular electronics, topological insulators, ...)
Magnoom: Software for Atomistic Spin Dynamics with GUI [open source]
Quantum Lattice: Design and solve tight-binding models from 0D to 3D; addressing electronic properties, topology, interactions, non-collinear magnetism, ... Open-source Python-based (with GUI). Other packages from Jose Lado.
SPR-KRR: Electronic structure code for calculating spectroscopic and magnetic properties of materials (spin polarized relativistic calculations)
Spirit: Framework for atomic-scale spin simulations of magnetic systems, CPU and GPU (CUDA) parallelization
Sunny: Julia package for modeling atomic-scale magnetism with quantum effects.
Synopsys QuantumATK: ab initio atomic-scale simulation package for materials and heterostructures, including magnetic properties (Spintronics tutorials) [commercial].
UppASD: atomistic spin dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations of Heisenberg spin systems
EasySpin: Open-source MATLAB toolbox for simulating and fitting a wide range of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectra.
Magpylib: open-source Python package for calculating static magnetic fields of magnets, currents and other sources.
McPhase: open source program package for the calculation of magnetic properties (magnetic system with localised magnetic moments) ... and much more
PHI: Calculation of the magnetic properties of paramagnetic coordination complexes
PyLorentz: Python code for analyzing and simulating (also for 3D structures) Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy (imports magnetization also from OOMMF and mumax3)
SLaSi: Spin-Lattice Simulator; complex lattices in 3D including exchange, anisotropy, dipolar interaction and other contributions to the Hamiltonian in quasi-classical approach. GitLab
SPINS: an interactive computer program (java) that simulates Stern-Gerlach measurements on spin-1/2 and spin-1 particles.
Materials database
AflowLib: a distributed materials genome properties repository from high-throughput ab-initio calculation, including magnetic moment.
MagWeb (Magnetic Material Data) - magnetic property curves for different materials and grades: B(H) magnetization curves, core loss curves, demagnetization curves, energy product, ... [part free, more advanced features paid]
NovoMag Database: Crystallographic data, thermodynamic, and magnetic properties; novel magnetic materials here (inc. rare-earth-free magnets)