
The European Magnetometry Network

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Magnetometry.eu is a European network on magnetometry created in 2017 [under name Mag-Net(-o-Metry)], under the auspices of EIT KIC RawMaterials. It ambitions to help define, create and protect jobs in universities, research institutions, SMEs and industries through instrumentation, novel science, innovating products and processes, as well as new industrially compatible characterization methods.

About us

Maintain a federated community around magnetometry, for networking and to help define and create jobs through novel instrumentation (...)


Techniques for magnetic characterization along with examples of use (...)

R&D service catalogue

Sharing world class expertise and tools in magnetic measurement (magnetometry), measurement service, R&D collaboration, lifelong training, consultancy, metrology development (...)


Contact to join or access the European Network on Magnetometry or access (...)