
Network of related organizations

The European Magnetism Association (EMA) maintains links with other organizations involved in Magnetism. These may give rise to a Memorandum of understanding, stating the sharing of common views and goals. Related organizations are invited as observer members at the meetings of the General Council.

International Societies

The European Magnetism Association is maintaining links with a number of large-scale organizations closely related to magnetism.

European Societies

The European Magnetism Association is maintaining links with a number of European organizations closely related to magnetism.

National Societies

The European Magnetism Association maintains links with a number of National organizations in Europe closely related to magnetism that are listed here.


The European Magnetism Association is hosting the website of Magnetometry.eu, a European network on magnetometry which aims to help define, create and protect jobs in universities, research institutions, SMEs and industries through instrumentation, novel science, innovating products and processes, as well as new industrially compatible characterization methods.