

The European School on Magnetism is being organized over the years by a European steering committee, with a nucleus of Grenoble researchers active in the field of magnetism, the latter working at Spintec and Institut Néel and supported by both CNRS and Université Grenoble Alpes. The steering committee is in charge of the general strategy for the School, including budget.

The Chair of the organization committee for a given School is chosen in relation with its topic, not necessarily within the steering committee.

The Scientific Advisory Committee comprises members of prominent centers for research on Magnetism (mostly European), who are committed at sustaining ESM over the years. Additional members may be invited to participate to the SAC for a given School, based on their expertise on the particular topic that may be assigned to the School. The SAC provides suggestions for the topic to be chosen, the choice of lectures and lecturers, or any other special issue regarding the school