2017 School

2017 European School on Magnetism


The topic for the 2017 European School on Magnetism will be Condensed Matter Magnetism : bulk meets nano, part of the Series of the European School on Magnetism. The School will take place from Oct 9th to Oct 21st 2017 in Cargèse, Corsica.

Like previous editions of ESM, the 2017 School aims at providing a thorough understanding of magnetism based on a broad series of fundamental lectures, while offering the latest insights into up-to-date aspects of magnetism with lectures focusing on a special topic. The topic covered in 2017 will be modern aspects overlapping condensed matter in bulk materials on one side, and nanomagnetism/spintronics on the other side. This covers a wide range of fundamental phenomena deeply rooted in condensed matter physics, and opportunities for applications. The detailed topics to covered are: basic concepts, magnetism in matter, tools, magnetization textures and dynamics, materials and effects, industry perspectives. The School will be an opportunity for young scientists from the two fields, to meet, share their expertise and network.

The School is addressed at young scientists, mainly PhD students and post-docs, both experimentalists and theoreticians. It will consist of a ten-day training of lectures and practicals provided by prominent scientists active in today's research, interactive question sessions, access to a library of magnetism-related books, and industrial contributions. The program is available on-line. See also our extensive repository of lecture slides since 2003.

ESM 2017 will be held in Cargèse, Corsica, France, with dates 9-21th Oct 2017. The topic is "Condensed Matter Magnetism: bulk meets nano". As for previous School, activities will consist in lectures (40h), question sessions (8h), access to a Library on Magnetism, and practicals (4-6h).

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The following organizations provided financial and/or technical support to the European School on Magnetism (confirmed or pending).

CNRS logoLANEF logo Logo of Université Grenoble AlpesCEA logo Institut Néel logoSPINTEC laboratorySFP logoIESC logo DFH-UFA logo Cambridge University Press