Mailing list of the community

We are maintaining a mailing list of persons active in the field of Magnetism. These serve to disseminate our monthly newsletter as well as information related to JEMS and ESM.

Over the years we have been building and maintaining a mailing list of persons active in the field of magnetism. You are an individual you may add your email address to the mailing list. At any time you may also unbsuscribe from the mailing list. A link to unsubscribe is also included at the bottom of all our Emails.

We use this list to disseminate our monthly newsletter as well as important information related to the EMA actions and events (ESM, JEMS).

In order to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the mailing list is stored on a server with secured and limited access. The list is used anonymously and for no other purpose than our mailing. No email address is provided to any third-party entity.