All schools

List of all European School on Magnetism since 2003

2025: To be decided

To be held in Liège, Belgium. Chair: Bertrand Dupé

2024: Magnetism for energy efficient devices

To be held 27 Aug - 5 Sep 2024, York, England. Chair: Stuart Cavill

2023: Nanomagnetism for emerging technologies

To be held 3-15 Sep 2023, Madrid, Spain. Chair: Julio Camarero.

2022: Basic Magnetism for Sustainable Develoment

To be held 11-23 Sep 2022, Saarbrücken, Germany. Chair: Leon Abelmann.

2021: From fundamental properties of matter to magnetic materials and applications

Cluj-Napoca, Romania (6-17 Sep, 2021). Chair: Daniel Andreica.

2020: Fundamentals of Magnetism (online school)

Online due to the COVID-19 pandemy (28 Sep-08 Oct, 2020), Chair: Olivier Fruchart, co-chairs: Leon Abelmann, Bertrand Dupé

2019: Experimental techniques

Brno, Czech Republic (2-13 Sep 2019). Chair: Michal Urbanek (CZ).

2018: Magnetism by Light

Krakow, Poland (17-28 Sep 2018). Chair: Marek Przybylski (PL).

2017: Condensed Matter Magnetism: bulk meets nano

Cargèse, Corsica, France (9-20th Oct 2017). Chair: Virginie Simonet (FR).

2015: From basic magnetic concepts to spin currents

Cluj-Napoca, Romania (24 Aug - 4 Sep), at Universitatea Babes Bolyai (V. Pop, A. Pop). Chair: Laurent Vila (FR).

2013: Magnetism for Energy

Cargese, Corsica, France (25 Feb - 8 Mar). Chair: Nora Dempsey (FR) and Oliver Gutfleisch (DE).

2011: Time-dependent phenomena in magnetism

Târgovişte, Romania. Chair: Jan Vogel (FR).

2009: Models in magnetism : from basic aspects to practical uses.

Timisoara, Romania.Chair: Claudine Lacroix (FR).

2007: New magnetic materials and their functions.

Cluj-Napoca, Romania.Chair: Olivier Isnard (FR).

2005: New experimental approaches to Magnetism

Constanta, Black Sea, Romania. Chair: Stefania Pizzini (FR).

2003: Magnetism of Nanostructured Systems and Hybrid Structures

Brasov, Romania.