Magnetometry, i.e. measurement of magnetic field and moment, of magnetic features of materials and of any physical parameters under controlled magnetic field, is a powerful, versatile and non-destructive way to characterize a wide range of raw and functionalised materials, as well as processes.
Magnetometry covers a broad range of measurement methods and tools. One of the goals of the European Magnetometry Network is to popularize magnetometry techniques in the whole scientific community and the general public. Therefore in the present section, we highlight some of the most common magnetometers which can be used both for fundamental research and R&D.
The listed techniques not just allow to characterize the magnetic features of materials but each techniques fits also with specific types of sample (e.g. solid, liquid, thin film, powder), specific range of magnetic signal, specific sample sizes, etc. It is important to be aware of the forces and limitations of each technique to insure the best usage of them.