
The list of topics and lecturers for ESM 2023 is in its final state. Lecturers start on Monday 4th Sep mid-day and end on Friday 15th Sep mid-day.

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Foreword about slides and recordings

Slides and videos for most lectures and activities of ESM2023 are made available on this page.

  • The lecturers retain all copyrights. You must cite your source of information if you decide to re-use material.
  • Slides and videos will remain permanently available to all. Therefore, there is no need that you download all "just in case". This would be a waste of resources and carbon production to duplicate all data on a large number of storage devices worldwide. We thank you for considering our environmental responsibility here.


  • Opening: Olivier Fruchart (ESM General Chair): slides

I. Fundamentals (16h30)

  • Fields, magnetostatics, units [1.5h]: Ron Goldfarb, Boulder, Colorado, USA
  • Magnetism on the single atom [1.5h]: Juan José de Miguel, Madrid, Spain [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Exchange interactions, ordering and magnetic structures [1.5h]: Òscar Iglesias, Barcelona, Spain [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Crystal electric field, Spin-orbit, magnetic anisotropy, DMI [1.5h]: Òscar Iglesias, Barcelona, Spain [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Light-Matter interactions [1.5h]: Jan Vogel, Grenoble, France [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Domains, domain walls, spin textures [3h]: Oksana Chubykalo-Fesenko, Madrid, Spain [ Slides (pt1 ; pt2) | Recordings (pt1 ; pt2) ]
  • Magnetization reversal processes [1.5h]: Olivier Fruchart, Grenoble, France [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Precessional dynamics, spin waves [1.5]: Oksana Chubykalo-Fesenko, Madrid, Spain [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Spintronics: from (magneto)transport to STT [3h]: Aurélien Manchon, Marseille, France [ Slides: pt1 ; pt2 ]
  • Surface, interfacial and molecular magnetism [1.5h]: Juan José de Miguel, Madrid, Spain [ Slides | Recording ]

II. Techniques (7h30)

  • Measuring magnetism [1.5h]: Stuart Cavill, York, UK [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Magnetic microscopy and advanced instrumentation [3h]: Claire Donnelly, Dresden, Germany [ Slides pt1 ; pt2 | Recording pt1 ; pt2 ]
  • Advanced fabrication [1.5h]: Denys Makarov, Dresden, Germany [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Advanced k-space instrumentation: Photoemission and resonant scattering [1.5h]: Nicolas Jaouen, Paris, France [ Slides | Recording ]

III. Functions and applications (12h)

  • Spintronics in new materials: antiferromagnets [3h]: Jörg Wunderlich, Regensburg, Germany [ Slides: part1&part2 | Recording; part1&part2 ]
  • Oxitronics and Van der Waals spintronic materials [1.5h]: Jacobo Santamaria, Madrid, Spain [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Multifunctional nanostructures [1.5h]: Denys Makarov, Dresden, Germany [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Nanomagnetism for information technologies: from spintronics to neuromorphic [1.5h]: Bernard Diény, Grenoble, France [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Nanomagnetism for oncology [1.5h]: Maria del Puerto Morales, Madrid, Spain [ Slides ]
  • Nanomagnetism for biology [1.5h]: Lucas Perez, Madrid, Spain [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Permanent Magnets and Applications [1.5h]: Alberto Bollero, Madrid, Spain [ Slides | Recording ]

IV. Perspectives (3h)

  • Nanomagnetism, from historical hints to present times [1.5h]: Bernard Diény, Grenoble, France [ Slides | Recording ]
  • School overview [1.5h]: Olivier Fruchart, Grenoble, France [ Slides | Recording ]

V. Industrial and career perspective (3h)

  • From the academics to the industry: David Salido-Monzú, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland [ Slides | Recording ]
  • From the academics to the industry: Jeffrey Childress, Crocus Technology, France/California [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Women and Diversity in Magnetism: Claire Donnelly, Sandra Ruiz-Gomez, Dresden, Germany [ Slides ]
  • Career opportunities and development for PhDs: Olivier Fruchart, Grenoble, France [ Slides | Recording ]
  • Closing: Olivier Fruchart (ESM General Chair) [ Slides ]

Other activities

Practicals (7h30-10h)

Practical are organized to practice the use of numerical, analytical or experimental techniques, related to topics covered by the lectures. This year, there will be a specific focus on hands-on experience: measuring magnetic materials, image analysis, micromagnetic simulations, how to write a scientific manuscript, how to make a scientific talk. There will also be tutorials on stochastic simulations, and analytics on: spin accumulation, units, micromagnetics of domain walls, current-field switching ddiagram of macrospins.

  • Tutorial presentation: slides

Question-Answer sessions (8h)

The purpose of a research School is to provide young scientists with the basics in a working field. With this respect interactivity between students and lecturers should be promoted. Like in the previous editions, a key aspect of this interactivity is the possibility to raise questions at the end as well as during the course of the lectures. Besides, several sessions of questions take place, during which the lecturers or voluntary students present in more detail issues raised by the students during the lectures or anonymously through a question-box.


A library consisting of a large set of books dedicated to various aspects of Magnetism is on display during the entire School. Its purpose is first to get students aware of the existing books, get acquainted with their use, and also serve as a support for activities during the School.


We encourage participants to prepare posters to present their work, either onsite or online. Poster will be displayed at all times during the school, plus with dedicated poster tims slots. Students are also asked to present their poster in a one-slide teaser as an exercice to summarize their work. Several poster prizes will be awarded, including a voucher for free attendance to the International Conference on Magnetism conference ICM2024, to be held in Bologna.