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The call for nominations for the 2022 IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in the field of Magnetism is open, with deadline 31st January 2022. The nominated candidate must not have completed more than eight years of research after the doctorate by the nomination date, with allowance for career interruptions such as military service and parental leave.
Read more02/11/2021
The 2022 call for the Young Scientist Award is open. Nominations should be sent before January 31, 2022.
Read more01/11/2021
Many international events have been impacted by the coronavirus outbreak and related measures. Below we provide updates on changes for events listed in our calendar of events (Agenda).
Many events have been postponed to next years or are held online/in a mixed (hybrid) format.
Igor Dzyaloshinskii, Professor Emeritus of Physics & Astronomy, who made pioneering and groundbreaking contributions to areas that span an entire field of condensed matter physics, passed away on Wednesday, July 14, 2021.
Read more01/07/2021
The World Materials Forum 2021 was held 17-19 June. One output was highlighting ten emerging technologies foreseen to reach industrial scale by 2030, that can best contribute to decouple economic growth from the current use of our natural resources. Spintronics is one of them, identified for its prospects to lower the power consumption of data storage and usage.
Read more30/06/2021
EMA gradually increases its impact on social networks (LinkedIn >1000, Twitter ~ 500 followers). Follow us in case you want to receive real-time content (new events, jobs, links, ...) and extra information not featured in our newsletters.
Read more06/05/2021
The 2021 IUPAP Magnetism Award and Néel Medal will be awarded to Prof. Agnès Barthélémy (University Paris-Saclay / Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS-Thales, France) and Prof. Nicola Spaldin (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), “For pioneering contributions to the fundamental and applied science of magnetic and ferroelectric materials, particularly multiferroics”.
Read more06/05/2021
The recipient of the 2021 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in the field of Magnetism is Dr Can Onur Avci (Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona, Spain) “For outstanding contributions to understand current-induced spin-orbit torques and electrical control of the magnetization in magnetic insulators, and for the discovery of unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance.”
Read more04/05/2021
Results for call 2020 ERC Advanced grants have been published recently. Among these, several projects are related to magnetism.
Read more26/04/2021
Bob Buhrman passed away on April 13, 2021, at 75 years old. He was Cornell's second senior vice provost for research, John Edson Sweet Memorial Professor of Engineering Emeritus, and vice president for technology transfer and intellectual property, who helped expand emerging science and engineering programs.
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