
NEWS related to magnetism

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  • Ultrafast magnetization switching with picosecond electrical pulses


    Researchers report a novel technique for magnetization switching using short 6-picosecond electrical pulses.

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  • 2021 IUPAP Awards (Magnetism) - Call for nominations


    Call for nominations: 2021 IUPAP Magnetism Award and Néel Medal. 2021 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize. Deadline for nominations: 31 Jan 2021.

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  • EMA starting e-seminars and e-lectures


    EMA is establishing series of Plenary e-lectures and Early-Career seminars. These aim at disseminating science and promoting the geographical, thematic and gender diversity of the researchers working in all fields of magnetism, while maintaining a low carbon footprint.

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  • JEMS2020 goes virtual!


    2020 Joint European Magnetism Symposia conference is going fully virtual. We keep the planned dates, December 7-11, 2020. Read the full statement below.

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  • ESM turns remote in 2020


    The contingency measures induced by the pandemic give us a unique opportunity for pioneering an e-ESM, an online higher-education Magnetism event. We believe that on-line and on-site education both have their rightful place in the education environment. While nothing may ever replace enthusiasm fostered by face-to-face meeting, online environments offer opportunities than are often not implemented on-site meetings.

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  • SpintronicFactory releases its roadmap for spintronics


    STF, a European consortium under the umbrella of EMA, publishes in the journal Nature Electronics an ambitious roadmap for spintronics. This discipline on the borderline between magnetism and microelectronics is indeed reaching maturity, offering broad prospects for innovation.

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  • JEMS2020


    JEMS2020 Conference will be held ONLINE. Abstract and grant application submissions for the JEMS are open till 24 July 2020. Other key dates and already confirmed (semi)plenary speakers are listed below.

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  • 2020 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Magnetism


    The recipient of the 2020 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in the field of Magnetism is:
    Dr. Jiadong Zang, University of New Hampshire “For outstanding theoretical studies of the interplay between magnetism and topology”.

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  • 2020 EMA awards: results


    The EMA 2020 Young Scientist Award goes to Claire Donnelly
    The EMA 2020 Dominique Givord award goes to Wolfgang Wernsdorfer

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  • Winners of the ADocMolMag VI (2019 call)


    The winners of the "European Award on Molecular Magnetism Doctoral Thesis", ADocMolMag VI Edition, organised by the European Institute of Molecular Magnetism, EIMM a.i.s.b.l., have been selected.

    Prizewinners: Dr. Claudio Bonizzoni, Dr. Clément Godfrin, Dr. Manuel Souto

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