2025-01-21 | Other
Lab/Company : Magnetfab
Location : Grenoble, France
Yearly income :
File : See details
Expiration : 2025-05-31 [YYYY-MM-DD]
Description of the offer :
- Develop and optimize processes for micromagnets produced using clean room processing tools and techniques such as thin-film deposition, lithography, wet and dry etching, and annealing.
- Conduct material characterization using techniques such as optical microscopy, SEM, X-ray diffraction, and magnetic characterization.
- Analyze experimental data and prepare comprehensive reports for scientific advisors and management.
- Collaborate closely with scientific advisors to design experiments, troubleshoot process issues, and improve micromagnet fabrication techniques.
- Stay updated on industry trends and advancements in thin-film deposition, MEMS, and sensor technologies.
See the attached PDF for more information.