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Results 10/39 - Page 1/4
  • PhD


    PhD (Theory): Oxide-based two-dimensional electron and hole gases for [...]

    Halle (Saale), Germany

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :The successful candidate will be part of the ANR-DFG project "New oxide-based two-dimensional electron and hole gases for spin-orbitronics" aiming to explore polar oxide interfaces hosting two-dimensional electron and hole gases. Closely collaborating with experimentalists, we will develop effective models to predict the spin/orbital textures, topological textures, and transport characteristics of these systems, particularly focusing on spin/orbital-charge interconversion effects and magnetotransport phenomena.
  • PhD


    Skyrmionics - Low power neuromorphic computing & sensing

    Villach, Austria

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :As part of the TOPOCOM project (topocom.eu), Infineon (Villach, Austria) is hiring one Doctorate Candidate (DC) to be funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks (DN), 2023, within the European Union's EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Europe Horizon. The TOPOCOM consortium contains six leading European Universities and two major Industrial Partners working in the field of topological spin structures for unconventional computing and sensing. In particular, we are studying [...]
  • Post-doc


    Research Fellow on low-dimensional spin dynamics

    London, United Kingdom

    Yearly income : £43,124–£51,610

    Description of the offer :UCL Spintornics Group (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/spintronics) is advertising one postdoctoral researcher position funded by the Leverhulme Trust, studying on spin dynamics of monolayer magnets. This project builds on their resent achievement of spin dynamics detection for nanometre-thick van der Waals flakes using on-chip superconducting resonators [Zollitsch et al. Nat. Comm. (2024)]. They made further improvement of resonator properties (both quality factor and mode volume) for this project, on which to achieve the [...]
  • Post-doc


    Design, synthesis and validation of novel magnetic materials for sustainable [...]

    Dresden, Germany

    Yearly income : €

    Description of the offer :Outstanding candidates are sought for an experimental postdoctoral opportunity located at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (Dresden, Germany; PI Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser), with part-time residence at Northeastern University (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; PI Prof. Dr. Laura H. Lewis) to assist in the design, synthesis and validation of novel magnetic materials for sustainable energy applications. Duties and responsibilities for this position may include: • Synthesis, processing and [...]
  • Post-doc


    Research Fellow in Skyrmion Spin Caloritronics (Computational)

    Leeds, United Kingdom

    Yearly income : £39,105 to £40,247

    Description of the offer :The University of Leeds is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join Dr. Joseph Barker’s team on an EPSRC-funded project investigating thermally driven skyrmion motion. This computational role focuses on modeling temperature-dependent magnetic properties in thin films, including disordered systems, using multiscale simulations. Applicants should have a PhD in condensed matter physics, materials science, or a related field, with expertise in nanomagnetism or spintronics. The position offers collaboration with [...]
  • Post-doc


    Research Fellow in Skyrmion Spin Caloritronics (Experimental)

    Leeds, United Kingdom

    Yearly income : £39,105 to £40,247

    Description of the offer :The University of Leeds is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join Prof. Christopher Marrows’ team on an EPSRC-funded project investigating thermally driven skyrmion motion. This experimental role focuses on fabricating and characterizing thin-film magnetic systems, studying temperature-dependent properties, and measuring skyrmion dynamics under thermal gradients. Applicants should have a PhD in condensed matter physics, materials science, or a related field, with expertise in nanomagnetism or spintronics. The [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc: Ultrafast nonthermal Magnetization switching

    Le Mans, France

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Switching the magnetization at the fastest speed and with the lowest energy is one of the hottest topics in modern magnetism. Achieving this requires a deep understanding of the interactions between spin, electron, and lattice, as well as their response to external stimuli. This challenge has driven the search for new approaches to control the spin and explore promising new materials. The postdoctoral position aims to investigate the ultrafast nonthermal magnetization switching in photoactive transparent magnets [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc: Spintronic Devices

    Zurich, Switzerland

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :The Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems based at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is a joint laboratory between the ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute, which is the largest research centre for the natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. The current research focus is the investigation of novel magnetic systems at the mesoscopic scale making use of the clean rooms and large-scale facilities at the Paul Scherrer Institute, and fostering synergies with the Department of Materials (ETH Zurich). We would [...]
  • Post-doc


    Researcher in Solid State Physics with focus on oxide electronics and memory [...]

    Uppsala, Sweden

    Yearly income : 336 000 SEK (tax free)

    Description of the offer :The project deals with the fabrication and characterization of novel memory devices using composite materials. This will involve thin film growth using pulsed laser deposition. The aim is to design new material combinations and create hybrid structures that can be used in resistance random access memory applications. The main task within the research project described above is to conduct basic and applied research focused on the fabrication of memory devices and their in-depth electrical characterization. The [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc: Development of a miniature, ultra-sensitive magnetic field sensor for [...]

    Grenoble, France

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Context: The magnetic field is essential for understanding our solar system and the Earth's geomagnetism, as well as for studying solar eruptions and their impact on the Earth and our technological infrastructures. For these space missions, together with the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES, the French space agency) and the Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace (LPC2E, Orléans), we work together in a long-standing partnership to develop a miniature magnetic field sensor with a [...]
Results 10/39 - Page 1/4

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