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Results 10/33 - Page 1/4
  • Post-doc


    Researcher in Solid State Physics with focus on oxide electronics and memory [...]

    Uppsala, Sweden

    Yearly income : 336 000 SEK (tax free)

    Description of the offer :The project deals with the fabrication and characterization of novel memory devices using composite materials. This will involve thin film growth using pulsed laser deposition. The aim is to design new material combinations and create hybrid structures that can be used in resistance random access memory applications. The main task within the research project described above is to conduct basic and applied research focused on the fabrication of memory devices and their in-depth electrical characterization. The [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc: Development of a miniature, ultra-sensitive magnetic field sensor for [...]

    Grenoble, France

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Context: The magnetic field is essential for understanding our solar system and the Earth's geomagnetism, as well as for studying solar eruptions and their impact on the Earth and our technological infrastructures. For these space missions, together with the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES, the French space agency) and the Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace (LPC2E, Orléans), we work together in a long-standing partnership to develop a miniature magnetic field sensor with a [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc: Control of magnetic skyrmions by surface acoustic waves

    Grenoble, France

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Context: The present offer is part of a French ANR project ACOUSKYR, within the PEPR-Spin. The aim of the ACOUSKYR project is to use surface acoustic waves (SAW) to nucleate, annihilate, move and detect skyrmions and skyrmion lattices. Mastering skyrmion manipulation is essential for the future development of agile and frugal devices. The influence of SAWs on these micronic or sub-micronic chiral spin textures is an emerging field of research that opens up new possibilities thanks to their wave properties, very [...]
  • PhD


    Spiral magnets: Magnetoelectric building blocks

    York, United Kingdom

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :This PhD project will focus on resonant soft X-ray diffraction, RSXD, in order to study magnetic order as a function of Co doping in single crystal M-type and W-type Hexaferrites. Using a combination of techniques (RSXD with polarization analysis, magnetometry and magnetoelectric response) you will (a) elucidate the B-T dependent conical phases of the material, (b) correlate the physical and magnetic structures with the M-H and P-E measurements and (c) understand how sensitive these properties are to the [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc: THz resonators, magnon-polaritons

    Warszawa, Poland

    Yearly income : 140000PLN

    Description of the offer :Required: Experience in THz spectroscopy techniques, THz-TDS, Raman scattering, etc., as well as experience with cryogenics. Experience in technological processes, lithography, and two-dimensional materials exfoliation. We want to design an optimized shape of optical terahertz resonators, focusing on the magnetic component of incoming THz waves. Attention to the magnetic field requires an innovative design since common metasurfaces are created to focus the electric field. You will use simulation software for [...]
  • PhD


    PhD: Transmission Electron Microscopy of Racetrack Memories

    Dresden, Germany

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :The PhD student (m/f/x) will analyze magnetic structures and switching processes in novel racetrack memory devices and device elements by transmission electron microscopy using Lorentz-TEM, electron holography, DPC, and in-situ electrical transport measurements. The work will be conducted in close cooperation with the group of Prof. Stuart S.P. Parkin at MPI Halle.
  • Other


    Assistant Professor (spintronics and quantum materials / devices)

    Sendai, Japan

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :This position serves research for spintronics and quantum materials / devices in collaboration with Prof. S. Mizukami in AIMR, Tohoku University.
  • Other


    Microfabrication Engineer (integrated micromagnets)

    Grenoble, France

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Responsibilities: Develop and optimize processes for micromagnets produced using clean room processing tools and techniques such as thin-film deposition, lithography, wet and dry etching, and annealing. Conduct material characterization using techniques such as optical microscopy, SEM, X-ray diffraction, and magnetic characterization. Analyze experimental data and prepare comprehensive reports for scientific advisors and management. Collaborate closely with scientific advisors to design experiments, [...]
  • Indefinite contract


    R&D Engineer - TMR Device Physics

    Grenoble, France

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Summary: As an R&D Engineer will play a key role in advancing Allegro's TMR sensors technology, exploring new materials and physics and pushing the boundaries of sensitivity, linearity, and stability. This role would require to perform simulations, develop measurement setups, carry out experiments and conducting in-depth analysis of TMR materials and devices. Along with strong experimental and simulation skills, this position also requires a deep understanding of the phyics governing TMR devices. The [...]
  • Indefinite contract


    First assistant in the field of Physics

    Liège, Belgium

    Yearly income : salary grids and their rules of application are available fr

    Description of the offer :TEACHING ACTIVITIES As part of their teaching activities, the person appointed to this permanent scientific post will participate in collective teaching activities coordinated by the Department of Physics, for a minimum of 150 hours per year. In particular, they will contribute towards the transmission of knowledge and expertise through mentoring temporary scientific staff. They will also be called upon to propose and present specialised classes in the field of the Physics of Materials. Finally, they will actively [...]
Results 10/33 - Page 1/4

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