2015 School


Application to attend the school is now closed

The number of attendees has been limited to about 110, for practical purposes and also with a view to promote a good interaction with the lecturers. Due to the number of requests for participation far exceeding this figure, registration proceeds in two stages. First a call for requests for participation is launched. Requests need to be supported by a motivation letter and a letter from an advisor or recommending person. Potential participants have then be selected from the requests, and a short waiting list created. In a second stage only those applicants selected are invited to register.

Our goal is to keep the registration fees to a moderate level thanks to many supporting institutions. In very rare and well motivated cases scholarships may be granted to partly or fully waive these fees, when cost of registration would clearly prevent attendance.

Important dates

Date Event
March 1, 2015 Second announcement - Request for participation opens.
April 15, 2015 Deadline for application to attend.
May 15, 2015
Notification of acceptance or placement on waiting list.
June 15, 2015
Deadline for payment of fees (non-payment will result in the transfer of the offer to the waiting list).

Request for participation

The request for participation consists of four steps:

  1. Fill-in a request for participation form (see forms below). If you wish to present a poster, simply provide a title in the registration form. No abstract is required, only poster titles will be included in the School booklet.
  2. Prepare a short motivation Letter.
  3. Ask your adviser to prepare a recommendation Letter.
  4. Send the registration form to the ESM office, along with the motivation letter. The recommendation letter may be sent to the School office directly by the adviser, or by you if your adviser provided you with the letter.

At this stage, you should not proceed to payment of the fees.

Eligibility and selection process

Everybody is eligible to request participation. The selection will be based on the requests received by Apr 15th 2015. A number of criteria will be used to select participants, such as country of residence, work topic, number of applicants from a given institute, motivation letter and advisor support. Acceptance for selection and waiting list status will be notified by May 15th 2015. Later acceptance from the waiting list will be notified starting June 15th 2015, the deadline for selected attendees to proceed to payment.

Forms for requesting participation

You may either:

  • (Preferred) Fill-in the Word or LibreOffice/OpenOffice request form and send it back by email to esm@magnetism.eu, along with a motivation and recommendation Letter (the latter may be sent directly by your adviser to the School office). In order to minimize administrative work, the registration forms make use of macros (scripts) to automatically analyze the form sent by email. Notice however that enabling the macros is not required for filling the form. Please fill in the .doc template and save it as .doc with Office (try to avoid docx), or fill in the .odt template and save is as odt with LibreOffice/OpenOffice, otherwise the scripts may be lost during conversion.
  • (Not preferred) Fill in the PDF request form, and send it back to esm@magnetism.eu in either electronic (preferred) or scanned form.

In all cases, please rename the file based on your name: NAME-registration.doc, NAME-registration.odt or NAME-registration.pdf.

Registration fees

The fees will cover accommodation (arrival August 24 evening, departure September 4th morning), lunches, coffee breaks, excursion and social activities. Travel costs to and from Cluj-Napoca remain at the charge of the attendees. The registration fees are 400€ for students, PhDs and post-docs, and 600€ for all other attendees (tenure academic positions, private companies etc.).

Payment details

No payment should proceed unless you have explicitely been notified of your acceptance. If and only once you have received notice of acceptance you should proceed to the payment of the fees as soon as possible. If the payment has not been received by June 15th, your participation will be cancelled for the benefit of applicants in the waiting list.