
The series of European Schools on Magnetism are backed up by Grenoble laboratories as core organizers, a scientific Chair chosen specifically for each session, and a Scientific Advisory Committee. For the 2015 School these are:

Organizing committee

Laurent Vila (chair 2015)
CEA-Grenoble, France

Olivier Fruchart
Olivier Isnard
Claudine Lacroix

Institut Néel (CNRS - Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Grenoble, France

Viorel Pop
Aurel Pop
Takacs Albert
Sever Mican

Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Ionel Chicinas
Coriolan Tiusan
Traian Marinca
Florin Popa
Bogdan Neamtu

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Scientific Advisory Committee

Leon Abelmann
Saarbrücken, Germany

Franca Albertini
Parma, Italy

Stephen Blundell
Oxford, UK

Emil Burzo
Cluj, Romania

Michael Coey
Dublin, Ireland

Vincent Cros
Paris, France

Tomas Dietl
Warsaw, Poland

Claudia Felser
Dresden, Germany

Olivier Fruchart
Grenoble, France

Pietro Gambardella
Zürich, Switzerland

Laura Heyderman
Villigen, Switzerland

Olivier Isnard
Grenoble, France

Andrei Kirilyuk
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Jürgen Kirschner
Halle, Germany

Claudine Lacroix
Grenoble, France

Manuel Richter
Dresden, Germany

Karl Sandeman
New-York, USA; London, UK

Nicola Spaldin
Zürich, Switzerland

Josef Spałek
Krakow, Poland

Sergio O. Valenzuela
Barcelona, Spain

Laurent Vila
Grenoble, France

Wulf Wulfhekel
Karlsruhe, Germany