Lectures recordings

Table of contents

Basic concepts in Magnetism

Behavior and functions

Career perpectives

Basic concepts

Introduction to ESM 2020

Dr. Fruchart: Units, fields and moments (part 1)

Dr. Fruchart: Units, fields and moments (part 2)

Prof. Blundell: Origin of Magnetism (Part 1)

Prof. Blundell: Origin of Magnetism (Part 2)

Prof. Staunton: spinorbit coupling (Part 1)

Prof. Staunton: spinorbit coupling (Part 2)

Behavior and functions

Prof. Chubykalo-Fesenko: magnetization processes

Prof. Chubykalo-Fesenko: Micromagnetism

Dr. Paulides: magnetic energy and circuits

Dr. Hauet: measurements in magnetism (Part 1)

Dr. Hauet: measurements in magnetism (Part 2)

Dr. Kim: spintronics (Part 1)

Dr. Kim: spintronics (Part 2)

Career perspective

Dr. Paulides: career perspective