The call for application is open from 1 March to 15 April 2023. The selection results will be announced to the applicants by 15 May.
The next session of the European School on Magnetism (ESM) is scheduled from the 3rd to 15th September 2023. It will be held in a mixed format. Attendees can either participate onsite, Madrid, Spain, or online. The number of onsite participants is limited to 100, online to 80. Requests for participation can be made from today until the 15th of April 2023. More information can be found below.
The topic for ESM2023 is Nanomagnetism for emerging technologies. The School is chaired by Julio Camarero and Rodolfo Miranda, from IMDEA Nanociencia and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Madrid can be conveniently reached by train, or with direct flights from a number of airports in Europe, to keep the carbon footprint of travel under control. Depending on the requests for online participation, we may also organize local hubs in Europe, in which online participants may gather to attend the school together. The aim is to enhance the online experience through collaborative work, emulation and mentoring of local experts in the field of magnetism.
The School is addressed mainly at PhD students and post-docs, with either experimental or theoretical backgrounds. Similar to previous editions of ESM, the 2023 School aims at providing a thorough insight into magnetism through a broad series of fundamental lectures, and to address a specific topic of current interest in more detail. It consists of approximately 40 hours of lectures, practicals and tutorials, and round tables. During the school, the onsite students have free access to a library on magnetism. Attendees will be able to present their own work during poster sessions. The detailed program is available from ESM2023 Web page.
Request for participation to the school opened on 1 March 2023. Potential attendees are expected to provide, along with their application form, a motivation letter. This may cover, e.g., a short review of the education and research profile, the current ideas for the futur career, and the motivation to attend the school in the view of the profile and career perspective. For PhD students and post-docs, a recommendation letter from their supervisor is required. The forthcoming important dates are:
- April 15th 2023: deadline for the requests for participation
- May 15th 2023: notification of acceptance or placement on a waiting list
- July 1st 2023: deadline for payment of the fees, otherwise the invitation to participate will be rescinded in favour of those on the waiting list.
Registration fees will be of the order of 600€ for students, PhD or post-docs, and 800€ for long-term contracts and permanent staff (tenured academic positions, private companies etc). The fees are all inclusive for onsite activities: accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee breaks, excursions and social activities for the full duration of the school. The fees for online participation are around 250€.
Support from various donors have allowed us to keep the fees moderate, in particular a substantial support from Fundación BBVA. Nevertheless, a few scholarships waiving registration fees may be granted in very special cases where financial support is clearly an obstacle for attending the school. Travel costs remain the responsibility of the attendees. Organizers are happy to assist you with specific needs such as family care. More details about the registration procedure may be found on the dedicated page on ESM2023 web site.
We would like to ask you to circulate this announcement to all those who may be interested in the School. Practical information will be updated on the web site on a regular basis.
On behalf of the scientific and organizing committees,
Julio Camarero, Rodolfo Miranda, Chairs for the 2023 ESM.
Olivier Fruchart, General Chair for ESM.
Bertrand Dupé, Vice-Chair for ESM.