Memorandum of understanding between EPS/CMD and EMA

2023 - Updated Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding between EMA and the CMD of EPS has been updated, and came into force on 1st January 2023. It is now implicittly renewable, i.e. with no explicit end date for the collaboration, although an ending can be requested by any of the two parties. It can be consulted here.

2020 - The first Memorandum of Understanding

The signature of the first formal Memorandum of Understanding between EMA and the CMD of EPS was performed during the online closure events of JEMS 2020 on Friday 11th of December between Cornelis van der Beek (chair of the CMD) and Burkard Hillebrands (EMA president). It has been done remotely and the picture is a screeshot showing Burkard and Cornelis with the signed document. This memorandum of understanding can be consulted here (signed version) [+ version without signatures but with working links].