There will be four special sessions at JEMS 2023: Magnetism bridging academia and industry, Network of young researchers, European Magnetism Association and Women in magnetism.
If you are participating in JEMS 2023, don’t miss the special sessions taking place each day.
Magnetism bridging academia and industry: Monday 28th August, 18:30
Academia and industry (A/I) are the main stakeholders in transferring innovation to society. While academia supplies man's work and knowledge/inspiration to industry for providing novel solutions, their goals, structure, and environment are significantly different. The way for academics towards private industry is more accessible than the other way around. However, every change/transition comes with its own attendant difficulties. br>Magnetism has always been a rich topic where the A/I actors of the value chain naturally meet. In the session, the A/I relationship, their roles, their needs, their support and opportunities will be addressed. For that purpose, relevant members of the European A/I Community will share during this Special Session their experience on strengthening the bridge joining both A/I sides.
Network of young researchers: Tuesday 29th August, 18:30
Young researchers (up to 1st-year Postdoc) will have the chance to share, in a friendly environment, a curiosity about their research. Selection criteria for flash talks will apply, based on the quality of the abstract and favoring young PhDs. Attendance without giving a presentation is also possible. After the presentations, all attendants are welcome to join an informal dinner in Madrid city centre.
This event directly links to EMA's actions intended to better connect with the younger members of our community and reinforce their participation in the day-to-day operations of EMA. Information about respective EMA actions, including the opportunity to join EMA's Executive Board as "EMA Young Officer" will be presented.
Registration (free of charge) until August, 22nd (incl.).
European Magnetic Association (EMA) – Special Session: Wednesday 30th August, 17:00
The two 2023 EMA Awardees, Prof. Oliver Gutfleisch (TU Darmstadt, Germany) for the EMA 2023 Dominique Givord Award and Dr. Samuel Mañas-Valero (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) for the EMA 2023 Young Scientist Award, will present their research in a plenary session and receive their awards.
This ceremony will be followed by a brief report about this year’s EMA activities and plans of the association. Current discussions include the link with national societies and communities in Europe, better defining and involving individual and collective members, and integrating early-career scientists much more into EMA in our activities and decision-making processes. Come and participate in the discussion that follows.
Women in Magnetism: Thursday 31st August, 18:30
Dynamic roundup table discussions with juniors and seniors will be set to discuss specific topics, depending on your interests, such as how to choose a lab, mentoring, leadership, work/life balance, job opportunities (academia vs industry), and share ideas and experiences about specific challenges women face (path to tenure, gender gaps, etc.).
We aim for an accessible event for participants to share experiences and thoughts on being women in magnetism, regardless of their experience level.
For more information, please have a look at JEMS 2023 Program, select the “special session” item and the session you are interested in.