The European Magnetism Association (EMA) is looking for a highly motivated early career scientist/researcher to join its Executive Board, to represent young members of the Magnetism community in Europe.
If you share our enthusiasm for Magnetism and are active in the field, if you enjoy interacting with colleagues and other researchers, and if you have ideas and visions for how to promote Magnetism in Europe, then you could be the ideal person to join EMA’s Executive Board in the newly created EMA Young Officer position.
The Executive Board consists of the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, and different Officers who are responsible for key actions, such as Awards, Gender and Diversity, Carbon footprint, industrial relations, etc..
The EMA Young Officer will have the opportunity to design, implement, and drive dedicated actions to strengthen EMA’s interactions with the younger and early career members of the community, so that we can represent and support them in the best way possible. Such actions may range from establishing a network with the excellent young working groups that already exist in national societies to building up our own Young EMA section. For this, support will be given by the President and Vice-President. Novel ideas and visions for how EMA can evolve as Europe’s voice for Magnetism are highly encouraged, with a specific focus on the younger and early career members of the Magnetism community.
Eligibility – PhD candidates and early career researchers of any nationality with up to 2 years of experience since completion of their PhD at the time of the nomination are eligible. No age-related criteria apply, but candidates must be part of a PhD program or work at a European university or research institution. Eligibility can be extended for reasons such as maternity, paternity, illness, national service, training, natural disasters, or asylum.
Nomination – Anyone can nominate suitable candidates, and self-nominations are welcome. Nominations may come from individuals or groups. We encourage all national societies to nominate candidates and help us in identifying potential EMA Young Officers. To nominate a candidate, please use the online form (is now closed) and submit your nomination before Sept. 15th, 2023. As EMA represents a diverse community, nominations of women and other typically underrepresented groups are particularly welcome.
Evaluation and selection – The selection process will be conducted by a committee chaired by the Vice-President, Dennis Meier, composed of the President and selected members of the Executive Board. The EMA Young Officer will serve on the Executive Board for one term (three years).
Connected with this EMA's ambition to strengthen the connection with the younger members of the Magnetism community, a “network of young researchers” event is organized at JEMS 2023, on Tuesday, Aug. 29th, 2023 at 18h30 (Special Sessions). Young researchers (up to 1styear Postdoc) will have the chance to share, in a friendly environment, a curiosity about their research. Selection criteria for flash talks will apply, based on the quality of the abstract and favouring young PhDs. Attendance without giving a presentation is also possible. A short presentation of the EMA Young Officer position will be given. Please fill out this registration form if you wish to join!
We are looking forward to working with the new EMA Young Officer and wish you all a nice summer!
Olivier Fruchart (President)
Dennis Meier (Vice-President)