
2022 IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize

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The call for nominations for the 2022 IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in the field of Magnetism is open, with deadline 31st January 2022. The nominated candidate must not have completed more than eight years of research after the doctorate by the nomination date, with allowance for career interruptions such as military service and parental leave.

Established in 2016, the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in the field of Magnetism is awarded every year to a young scientist for theoretical or experimental work in fundamental or applied magnetism. In 2021 the IUPAP renamed its Young Scientist Prizes across all commissions to Early Career Scientist Prizes. This change of name reflects that the prizes are not intended for “young” people in terms of chronological age but in terms of their career stage.

The nominated candidate must not have completed more than eight years of research after the doctorate by the nomination date, with allowance for career interruptions such as military service and parental leave. The award consists of a certificate, medal and a monetary award of €1,000.

The awardee will be selected by a committee composed of members of the IUPAP Commission on Magnetism (C9), together with past recipients of the Magnetism Award and Néel Medal. Nominations may be made by anyone interested in the field of magnetism. Nominations for outstanding women and under-represented minority candidates are particularly encouraged.

The nomination package should include:

  • Completed nomination form (in Word or PDF).
  • Curriculum vitae of the candidate, which must not exceed two pages in length.
  • List of six of the candidate’s most significant publications, including citatio information, not to exceed one page.
  • Commentary on the publications, which makes the case for the award, not to exceed two pages.
  • Up to three letters of support, up to a maximum of two pages each.

The documents must be collected into a single pdf file called Surname_ECSP.pdf, where Surname is the candidate’s last name. Please keep the file size under 10MB. Nominations not conforming to these instructions cannot be accepted.

The nomination should be sent by the nominator by January 31, 2022 to the newly elected C9 Secretary Shinji YUASA by e-mail at yuasa-s@aist.go.jp, and copying the incoming C9 Chair Kai Liu at kai.liu@georgetown.edu.


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