
EMA statement regarding COVID-19

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Statement from the EMA presidency. Changes regarding the main EMA events: conference JEMS2020 postponed to 7-11 December 2020. ESM2020 school according to schedule (28 Sep - 9 Oct 2020). There will be an extra ESM school in 2021 (6-17 Sep 2021; Cluj-Napoca) and consequently break in 2022.

[Editorial of the EMA April newsletter]

Dear colleagues and friends of the European Magnetism Association,

The corona virus is invading our daily lives. We very much hope that you and your families are not infected and that you will find a way to deal with the difficulties. In the European Magnetism Association we are constantly discussing how we can guarantee your health and how we can minimise the negative impact on our community as a whole. Rest assured that we are doing our best.

Our two flagship initiatives are the European School of Magnetism (ESM) and the Joint European Magnetic Symposia conference (JEMS). Both were planned for this year, first the JEMS in Lisbon/Portugal from 27th to 31st July 2020 and the ESM from 28th September to 9th October 2020. Now we have to make some changes due to the corona pandemic.

JEMS: As it is unlikely that large gatherings can take place in the summer, JEMS has been moved to December 7-11, 2020 in Lisbon. Please note the dates. Information on abstract submission and registration will be sent out shortly.

ESM: Currently we are planning to hold the school in September-October as originally planned. Please note the deadline for applying for participation, which remains unchanged and ends on April 15, 2020.

With regard to the ESM in 2021 and 2022, there will be a change. Originally, no ESM was scheduled for 2021, because the IEEE Magnetics Society had planned to hold its summer school in Europe in 2021. In fact, EMA has an agreement with the IEEE Magnetics Society that we will not hold our school in the years when the IEEE school is held in Europe. Due to the Corona, the IEEE School 2020, which was originally planned in Taiwan in July of this year, has been postponed to next year, still in Taiwan. Therefore, we will organize an ESM next year. Our colleagues in Cluj kindly agreed to bring forward the organization of ESM Cluj from originally 2022 to September 6-17, 2021. We thank them very much for their understanding and flexibility.

Other impacts of the Corona include the list of postponed or cancelled events, and the Vampire workshop will be held as a remote event (atomistic simulations, 8-10 April).

We wish you a healthy time, if you suffer from infection a fast recovery, and all the best to get through the hard times.

Sincerely Yours,

Burkard Hillebrands (President)
Olivier Fruchart (Vice President)

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