Registration for the 2020 European School on Magnetism (28 Sep - 9 Oct 2020 in Saarbrücken, Germany) is open. Topic: Magnetism and Societal Challenges. The application deadline is 15 April 2020.
Quick links: Registration | Flyer | ESM 2020 website | Program
The next session of the “European School on Magnetism” (ESM) series will take place in Saarbrücken, Germany from September 28 to October 9, 2020, with one-day sessions in Kaiserslautern and Nancy. The call for Requests for participation (applications) is open till 15 April 2020.
The European School on Magnetism is a yearly event organized by the European magnetism community, through the European Magnetism Association. The mission of ESM is higher education of young European scientist in the field of magnetism, while promoting networking and create effective links between academics and the industry.
The School aims at providing a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of magnetism. It is open to young scientists and consists of a ten-day training course combining lectures and various training activities. A large part of the School is devoted to fundamentals of magnetism, while in 2020 more specialized lectures and a project are organized around the European Societal Challenges.
The School program consist of approximately 30 hours of lectures, a 30-hour project, one day of practical training and tutorials, open question sessions, free access to a library on magnetism, and social activities. Attendees will be able to present their own work during poster sessions. More details may be found on the web site: http://magnetism.eu/school/2020. The registration fees will be of the order of 450€, which includes lunches in the Saarland University mensa, and lodging and breakfast in a youth hostel with shared rooms. Participants are expected to cover the travel costs to Saarbrücken and evening meals from their working place.
The following important dates should be noted:
- 15 April 2020: deadline for application
- 15 May 2020: notification of acceptance or inclusion on waiting list
- 1 July 2020: deadline for payment of fees (non-payment will result in places being offered to candidates on the waiting list)