

This is a forum for posting job announcements related to magnetism, in the academics and private sector, both fixed term and tenured positions.

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Results 10/23 - Page 2/3
  • PhD


    PhD: Towards imaging propagating spin waves in 2D magnets using nitrogen [...]

    Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Recently a new group of magnets, called van der Waals magnets have risen to the forefront of condensed matter research. These magnets provide unprecedented opportunities for probing magnetism in the 2D limit. Many vdW magnets have been discovered with metallic to insulating electronic properties and continuous efforts have focused on manipulating their static magnetization electrostatically, using strain and pressure. Despite the exciting progress, little is known about their magnetic excitations – spin waves. The [...]
  • PhD


    PhD: Superconducting qubit diagnostics: Unravelling noise sources for [...]

    Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Quantum computers based on superconducting circuits are lose their quantum properties on short timescales resulting limiting the potential of their applications. The presence of microscopic and non-optimal circuit design are major sources of noise leading to low fidelity operations and limiting the number of operations that superconducting circuit quantum computers can perform. The goal of this project is to use quantum magnetometry for investigate sources of noise in superconducting circuits for the ultimate goal [...]
  • PhD


    PhD: Experimental studies of Classical and Quantum Spin Liquids

    Lausanne, Switzerland

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :The open PhD position is focused on the investigation of a novel magnetic network of spins, recently shown to be realized in a family of compounds called langbeinites. It supports an exotic type of spin-liquid behavior, which we aim to investigate in a variety of related compounds.
  • PhD


    PhD: Simulation of Sustainable Permanent Magnets based on High Entropy Alloys

    Madrid, Spain

    Yearly income : 30.500 €

    Description of the offer :We are seeking PhD candidates to explore the development of rare-earth lean permanent magnets based on High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) that compete in efficiency with those based on rare-earths. Research will be based on multiscale magnetic models ranging from ab-initio simulations that explore chemical compositions, structure and fundamental magnetic constants at the ground state, to micromagnetic models that incorporate temperature and field dependences of the magnetic properties. Development of high throughput [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc: Magnetic imaging with magnetoresistive sensors on microstructured thin [...]

    Gif sur Yvette, France

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :The postdoc will work in the frame of the CEA internal project called IMAGE (Magnetic imaging on microstructured thin films). Mapping the dynamic magnetic properties (e.g. microwave permeability) of magnetic samples is important for optimizing these materials for applications. The IMAGE project involves developing a setup for mapping dynamic magnetic properties by combining a scanner and giant magnetoresistance magnetic sensors, whose interest lies in their wide frequency detection bandwidth from DC to GHz, [...]
  • Post-doc


    Post-doc: Optically-Controlled Thermoplasmonic Spintronic Devices

    Loughborough, United Kingdom

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Researcher with expertise in nanofabrication and magnetic characterisation to work on “Optically-Controlled Thermoplasmonic Spintronic Devices”. This project employs localised plasmonic heaters to create fast, efficient, and versatile optically reconfigurable thermal landscapes for nanomagnetic and spintronic devices (https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C9NR01628G, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.18.024014). The post is for a start date as soon as possible and for a [...]
  • PhD


    PhD in Vector field magnetic imaging

    Vienna, Austria

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :We offer a 3 year PhD position in Vector field magnetic imaging, shared between TU Wien and University of Vienna, in Austria. In this project, we will develop a new experimental and computational platform to perform vector magnetic imaging using a new generation of three-dimensional magnetic sensors. The resulting devices will be tested for subsequent commercialization by the industrial partner of the project
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc (6 years): Free-standing ultrathin magnetic oxide quantum materials

    Vienna, Austria

    Yearly income : Minimum EUR 4,752.30/month gross,14 times/year

    Description of the offer :We seek an enthusiastic postdoctoral researcher to investigate the magnetic properties of free-standing ultrathin oxide heterostructures in our dynamic Complex Oxide Systems group at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria. The research will involve growing atomically precise oxide layers using RHEED-equipped sputtering and designing artificial layered magnetic oxide structures by assembling free-standing membranes. The researcher will investigate the emerging electronic properties (magnetism, [...]
  • Indefinite contract


    Professor (W2) of Experimental Physics specialising in Nano and Quantum Physics

    Greifswald, Germany

    Yearly income : W2 professorship salary

    Description of the offer :The University of Greifswald’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is seeking candidates for the position of “Professor (W2) of Experimental Physics specialising in Nano and Quantum Physics” for appointment by 1 October 2025. We are looking for an outstanding scholar with extensive research and teaching experience who is internationally recognised in one or more fields of experimental nano or quantum physics: nanostructures for topology and computing, topological devices, quantum computing, superconducting [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of 3D magnetization nano-tomography

    Villigen , Switzerland

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :Magnetic materials are important for several real-world applications including motors, actuators, sensors and computation. We will characterize the magnetic and material microstructure with novel synchrotron-based 3D imaging techniques, which will give key information for enhancing their efficiency and performance. We are particularly keen to explore phase transitions in magnetic materials, especially focusing on exploring the intricate magnetic configurations made up of topological defects. Our research is [...]
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