
Recording of the lectures at the European School on Magnetism 2024 in York, UK

Prof. Evans - Field, magnetostatics, units

Prof. Staunton - Atomic magnetism

Prof. Staunton - Exchange interactions, magnetic order and structure

Prof. Kimel - Magnetic anisotropy

Prof. Bluegel - Surface and interface magnetism

Prof. Bluegel - Domains and Domain walls

Prof. Hillebrands - Dipolar and exchange spin waves

Prof. Kimel - Magnetization reversal

Prof. Cavill - Measuring magnetism

Prof. Hillebrands - spin wave resonnance techniques

Prof. Cavill - Magnetism for energy efficient device

Prof. Bluegel - Density functional theory applied to magnetism

Prof. Evans - Micromagnetic and atomistic simulations of magnets

Prof. Evans - Advanced micromagnetics and atomistic simulations of magnets

Prof. Hasnip - career perspective

Prof. Morrison - The magnetocaloric effect

Prof. Tozman - Permanent magnets

Prof. Mizrahi - Neuromorphic computing I

Prof. Mizrahi - Neuromorphic computing II

Prof. Fernandez - Magnetic sensors

Prof. Casanova - Spin Hall effect

Prof. Pirro - Magnetism for communication

Prof. Donnelly - Magnetic microscopy

Prof. Bibes - Volltage control of magnetism