
The series of European Schools on Magnetism are backed up by Grenoble laboratories as core organizers, a steering committee, a scientific Chair chosen specifically for each session, and a Scientific Advisory Committee. For the 2018 School these are detailed below.

Organizing committee

Marek Pzrybylski1,2 (chair 2018)

Marcin Sikora1

Tomasz Ślęzak2

Witold Skowrońsk3

Aleksandra Szkudlarek1

Kamila Kollbek1

Katarzyna Hnida1

Anna Kornaus1

Paulina Stawarz1

Grzegorz Kulinowski1

1Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland.

2Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland.

3Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland.

Steering committee

The steering committee of the European School on Magnetism is a small group of persons committed to dedicate time to maintain the School on track. It is responsible for key actions, as described in the School statutes. Among others, this committee selects the hosting sites and the topics for the School.

Olivier FRUCHART, Chair
Spintec (CNRS - CEA - Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Grenoble, France

KIST Europe, Saarbrücken, Germany

Department of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford, UK

Victorino FRANCO
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

PSI and ETH, Villigen/Zürich, Switzerland

Olivier ISNARD
Institut Néel (CNRS - Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Grenoble, France

Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland

Scientific Advisory Committee

The Scientific Advisory Committee comprises members of prominent European centers for research on Magnetism. The SAC provides suggestions for the choice of lecturers.

Franca Albertini
Parma, Italy

Agustina Asenjo
Madrid, Spain

Michael Coey
Dublin, Ireland

Vincent Cros
Paris, France

Nora Dempsey
Grenoble, France

Sebastian Gönnenwein
Dresden, Germany

Christian Pfleiderer
Munich, Germany

Karl Sandeman
New-York, USA; London, UK

Virginie Simonet
Grenoble, France

Josef Spałek
Krakow, Poland

Robert Stamps
Glasgow, UK

Julie Staunton
Warwick, UK

Sergio O. Valenzuela
Barcelona, Spain

Bartel Van Waeyenberge
Ghent, Belgium

Wulf Wulfhekel
Karlsruhe, Germany

Andrej Zorko
Ljubljana, Slovenia