
Request for participation to ESM 2017 is open

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The next session of the “European School on Magnetism” (ESM) series will take place in Cargèse, Corsica, France, from October 9-21th, 2017. The European School on Magnetism is a pan-European event organized under the umbrella of the European Magnetism Association.

Submit your application from 1st March to 15th April.

As with previous sessions of ESM, the 2017 School aims at providing a thorough insight into magnetism through a broad series of fundamental lectures, and to address a specific topic of current interest in more detail. The topic chosen for the 2017 School is: “Condensed Matter Magnetism: bulk meets nano”. We intend to cover modern aspects overlapping condensed matter in bulk materials on one side, and nanomagnetism/spintronics on the other side. This encompasses a wide range of fundamental phenomena deeply rooted in condensed matter physics, and opportunities for applications. The detailed topics to cover are: basic concepts, magnetism in matter, tools, magnetization textures and dynamics, materials and effects, industry perspectives. The School will be an opportunity for young scientists from the two fields, to meet, share their expertise and build networks.

The School is addressed mainly at PhD students and post-docs, both experimentalists and theoreticians. It will consist of approximately 40 hours of lectures, plus many practicals, open question sessions (5-10h), and free access to a library on magnetism. Attendees will be able to present their own work during poster sessions. The detailed program is available from the 2017 ESM web site.

Request for participation to the school is now open. Potential attendees are expected to provide, along with their application form, a motivation letter and, for PhD students and post-docs, a recommendation letter from their supervisor. The forthcoming important dates are :

  • April 15th 2017: deadline for the requests for participation
  • May 15th 2017: notification of acceptance or waiting list
  • July 1st 2017: deadline for payment of the fees, otherwise cancellation for the benefice of the waiting list.

Registration fees will be 400€ for students, PhD and post-docs, if affiliated to a national or European learned society (ex: National or European Physical Society), 430€ otherwise, and 650€ for long-term contracts and permanent staff (tenure academic positions, private companies etc). The fees cover accommodation, breakfast and lunch meals, coffee breaks, local transport, excursion and social activities for the full duration of the school.

Various financial supports have allowed keeping these fees moderate, to support the participation of students. Travel costs remain at the charge of the attendees. Nevertheless, a few scholarships for waiving registration fees may be granted in very special cases where financial support is clearly an obstacle for attending the school.

See the details for submitting requests, and the registration form.

We would like to ask you to circulate this announcement to all those who may be interested in the School. The leaflet of the School may be downloaded from the web site, or directly from this link. Practical information will be added on the web site on a regular basis.

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