Register and join EMA to support its actions.
As an individual acting in the field of Magnetism, you are warmly invited to officially join the recently-created European Magnetism Association (EMA). At this stage, registering EMA simply implies that you mention your affiliation, country and research topic. Through these, to be kept confidentially for the sole use of the association, we would like to gain a finer knowledge of the community sharing the objectives of EMA, and better contribute to their achievement.
Being a member of EMA, you are officially supporting its actions to raise the impact of research on magnetism, magnetic materials and their technological applications in Europe. This includes the organization of the JEMS conferences and the European Schools on Magnetism (ESM), future collective actions under consideration, and the EMA portal (http://magnetism.eu) and monthly newsletter gathering information on magnetism-related activities.
You may also download EMA's statutes.