The 2019 session of the European School on Magnetism will take place in Brno, Czech Republic. It will be hosted by the Brno University of Technology and the Central European Institute of Technology, and organized by Michal Urbanek.
It is the first time that a call for bids was made for hosting the European School on Magnetism, at the occasion of the 2019 session. Several bids of very high quality have been received, and presented by their potential organizer during a meeting organized at JEMS this Summer.
Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic with ~400,000 inhabitants. It is located 200 km southeast from Prague and 120 km north from Vienna. It is an important university city with ~89,000 students.
The School will take place at the Campus of the Brno University of Technology. The School will benefit from the CEITEC Nano research infrastrure, providing multiple possibilities for hands-on practicals in the field of magnetism. At this occasion, the focused topic for the School may be experimental techniques.