In this September 2023 editorial, Olivier FRUCHART, EMA President, and Nora DEMPSEY, President of the International Advisory Committee of JEMS, look back at JEMS2023 and provide information about ICM2024 and JEMS2025. Furthermore, they report on key aspects of EMA’s General Council Meeting, which was held during JEMS 2023.
Dear Colleagues,
JEMS2023 was held in hybrid format from 27th August to 1st September, taking place in Madrid, Spain. We all enjoyed the presentations and discussions, and the on-site participants greatly appreciated the diverse opportunities for face-to-face meetings and networking! The Organizing Committee was chaired by Alberto Bollero (IMDEA Nanociencia), Montserrat Rivas (Universidad de Oviedo) and Lucas Pérez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), and the Programme Committee was chaired by Paola Tiberto (Torino) and Stefania Pizzini (Grenoble). The team did an excellent job and attracted 781 participants from 40 countries, with 6% taking part online. A ceremony was held, during which the recipients of the EMA's Young Scientist award (Samuel Mañas-Valero, Delft) and EMA’s Dominique Givord award (Oliver Gutfleisch, Darmstadt) received their trophies and gave illuminating scientific presentations (link to EMA awards). We would like to congratulate them warmly for their outstanding achievements!
In 2024, the International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024) will be organized in Bologna Italy, from 30thJune to 5th July. Thus, in accordance with our mutual agreement with ICM, the next JEMS will take place in 2025. Just like JEMS, ICM 2024 will provide a first-class networking platform within Europe for scientists working in Magnetism. Save the date, and we hope to meet you in Bologna next year! During its annual meeting held at JEMS2023, the International Advisory Committee of JEMS selected Darmstadt as the site for JEMS 2025. This 14th edition of JEMS will run from 31st August to 5th September 2025. The Organizing Committee will be chaired by Oliver Gutfleisch and Lambert Alff (both of Technische Universität Darmstadt), while the Program Committee will be chaired by Karin Everschor-Sitte (University of Duisburg-Essen), Thomas Schrefl (University for Continuing Education Krems) and Gaspare Varvaro (ISM-CNR, Rome).
The annual meeting of the General Council (GC) of EMA was held during JEMS Madrid. The GC is the supreme authority of EMA. It consists of national representatives of European countries active in the field of magnetism, as well as the Presidents and Officers of EMA. In addition, delegates from bodies associated with EMA were invited to the GC meeting. The GC evaluated the policies implemented by the presidents and officers since the last meeting, and defined future directions and strategies. The meeting during JEMS2023 gathered 21 participants onsite and nearly as many online. While detailed minutes of the meeting will be made public in a couple of weeks, here is an overview of key decisions that have been made:
- Memoranda of understanding have been extended or signed with the European Physical Society, the IEEE Magnetics Society, and are under discussion with the C9 commission (magnetism) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, responsible for the organization of ICM. Through these, EMA formalizes the coordination of actions with other major societies active in the field of magnetism
- Change of Officers: Diana Leitao has been appointed as Officer for Industrial Relations, following Paolo Freitas. Bertrand Dupé has been appointed as Officer for Higher Education, following Olivier Fruchart. We thank both the previous Officers and those starting their positions for their involvement in conducting their mission for the magnetism community.
- The results of the public survey conducted by EMA earlier this year were presented and discussed, which led to the definition of four priority actions to develop in the coming year: a stronger involvement of young scientists; elaborate links with European national societies in the field of magnetism; define individual and collective EMA memberships; define a modern strategy for proceedings associated with JEMS. These have been approved by the GC and will be progressively implemented.
With best regards,
Olivier FRUCHART, EMA President
Nora DEMPSEY, President of the International Advisory Committee of JEMS