Welcome to Diana Leitao, our new EMA Officer for Industrial Relations
One objective of the European Magnetism Association (EMA) is to promote bridges between academics, society and private companies as concerns the field of Magnetism. This action is under the responsibility of the Officer for Industrial Relations, who is also a member of the Executive Board of EMA.
After successfully fulfilling this duty since 2020, Paulo Freitas (Lisbon, Portugal) recently expressed the wish that we identify a successor for the position. We are very grateful for Paulo’s support of EMA over the years and duly set up a search committee to fill the open position. Today, we are happy to announce the appointment of Diana Leitao as EMA’s new Officer for Industrial Relations.
Diana Leitao has a PhD in Physics from the University of Porto, Portugal, conducted in close collaboration with the Materials Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC). She joined INESC Microsystems and Nanotechnologies in Lisbon as a postdoctoral researcher, and later became a PI and invited assistant professor at the Physics Department of the Technical University of Lisbon. Since September 2021, she is an assistant professor in Applied Physics at the TU Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Diana Leitao has been conducting research in the field of magnetism and magnetic sensors for more than 10 years now. During this time, she collaborated with key players in the magnetic sensors industry in developing new prototypes. She has been actively involved in the magnetism community, namely in the organization of Magnetic Frontiers 2019 and JEMS 2020, and contributed to different program committees of international conferences.
We are eagerly looking forward to her contribution to developing EMA and welcome her to the Executive Board.