
“Núcleo Português de Magnetismo” – Portuguese Magnetism Association

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Presentation of Portuguese Magnetism Association (NPM) founded in 2021: mission and recent activities.

The “Núcleo Português de Magnetismo (NPM)” – Portuguese Magnetism Core was founded in June 16th 2021 within the Division of Condensed Matter of the Physics Portuguese Society (https://fisica-materia-condensada.spf.pt/npm). The NPM aims to gather all scientific community working on magnetism (topics and applications) and to promote the scientific, pedagogical and industrial work performed on this area. We are open to everyone who shares the same goals and objectives as NPM!

Our main objectives are to

i) stimulate the portuguese network of researchers working on/with Magnetism;
ii) promote the knowledge on Magnetism, from the fundamentals to its multiple applications;
iii) disseminate the knowledge on Magnetism between academic peers and general public;
iv) support the study and research on Magnetism;
v) strengthen bonds between Academia and Industry on this area, with strong focus within the country, but not limited to;
vi) develop bilateral relations with international Magnetism associations;
vii) enhance employability of young researchers;

NPM has already organized three national events, namely

i) “Coffee with NPM” (06/07/2021) - Public presentation of NPM in videoconference format.
ii) “Magnetism in Portugal 2021” (14/09/2021-15/09/2021) – First videoconference organized by NPM where several groups of the magnetism community in Portugal presented their work, and shared the equipment and infrastructures that they have access to, supporting national infrastructures initiatives.
iii) “Magnetism in Portugal 2022: Young Researchers” (12/09/2022-13/09/2022) – the most recent event aiming at providing the opportunity to young students and early career researchers to showcase their work and to network with their peers
, encompassing different sub-topics such as: Geomagnetism, Energy Applications and 2D materials, Multifunctional materials and Devices and Molecular and Bio-magnetism. In this conference, there were over 55 participants (mostly young Bachelor, Master and PhD students), from over 5 different Portuguese cities and several different national research institutes.

NPM welcomes any suggestions, ideas and everyone who is interested in having a more active role on our future activities.

Contact: npm@spf.pt or @NPM_MagPT (Twitter, LinkedIn)

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