In this Editorial, Olivier Fruchart, President of the EMA, and Nora Dempsey, President of the International Advisory Committee of JEMS, present a report on JEMS2022, an outlook on JEMS2023, and highlights of the annual meeting of the General Council of the EMA that took place during JEMS2022.
Dear colleagues,
In this editorial, we would like to address three points: provide an overview of JEMS 2022 held last week in Warsaw and online, say a few words about JEMS 2023, and report on the meeting of the General Council of the European Magnetism Association (EMA) held during JEMS 2022.
We recall here that in December 2020 the General Council of the EMA took the decision that all EMA-affiliated events would be organized in hybrid mode, not driven by constraints such as the COVID pandemic, but to allow our community to moderate its carbon footprint while facilitating the participation of colleagues who can't travel because of financial or personal constraints.
Accordingly, JEMS2022 was held in hybrid format from 24-29 July in Warsaw and the onsite participants greatly appreciated the opportunity for face-to-face networking! The Organizing Committee was chaired by Andrzej Wiśniewski (Institute of Physics PAS) and co-chaired by Andrzej Twardowski (University of Warsaw) while the Program Committee was chaired by Maciej Sawicki (Institute of Physics PAS) and co-chaired by Diana C Leitão (Eindhoven University of Technology). There were 633 participants from 42 countries, with 30% taking part online. A ceremony was held in Warsaw during which the recipients of the EMA's Young Scientist Award for 2021 (Libor Smejkal) and 2022 (Jan Masell) received their medals and made illuminating scientific presentations.
The next JEMS is scheduled to take place in Madrid from 27 August - 1 September 2023. The Organizing Committee will be chaired by Alberto Bollero (IMDEA Nanociencia) and co-chaired by Montserrat Rivas (Universidad de Oviedo) and Lucas Pérez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), while the Program Committee will be chaired by Paola Tiberto (INRIM). The poster sessions will be held in both face-to-face and virtual formats to maximize the experience of onsite and online participants.
The General Council (GC) is the supreme authority of the EMA. It consists of national representatives of European countries active in the field of magnetism as well as presidents and officers, and delegates from bodies associated with the EMA. The GC meets at least once per year, evaluating the policies implemented by the presidents and officers since the last meeting, and defining future directions. A meeting of the GC was held in hybrid mode on 26 July, gathering 15 participants onsite and 23 participants online. While detailed minutes of the meeting will be made public in a couple of weeks, here are the main decisions made:
* Three guidelines had been prepared by our officers Bertrand Dupé and Nuala Caffrey, applying to the organization of JEMS and ESM, and approved by the GC: carbon footprint, gender and diversity, and a code of conduct for the participants.
* Olivier Fruchart (France), the previous Vice-President, was confirmed as new President for the coming three years. Dennis Meier (Norway) was elected Vice-President for the same duration
All members of the GC warmly thanked Burkard Hillebrands, President of the EMA from 2019 to 2022, who has contributed to dramatically expanding the actions of the EMA during his mandate, introducing the system of officers, awards, online seminars, as well as actions on carbon footprint and gender/diversity. Burkard Hillebrands will support the EMA in the next three years as past president, providing assistance to the president and vice-president when required.
With best regards,
Olivier FRUCHART, EMA President
Nora DEMPSEY, President of the International Advisory Committee of JEMS