
2022 Laureate of Olivier Kahn International Award

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2022 OKIA [Molecular magnetism] was awarded to Dr. Mauro Perfetti.

The European Institute of Molecular Magnetism and the members of the Olivier Kahn Award International Jury are pleased to announce that the laureate of the eighth Olivier Kahn International Award is Dr. Mauro Perfetti, Assistant Professor at the University of Florence (Italy), and researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Magnetism (LAMM).

Photo of Dr. Mauro Perfetti

The 2022 laureate, Dr. Mauro Perfetti, has made original contributions in the field of singlemolecule magnets (or molecular nanomagnets) pushing forward the field of molecular magnetism, particularly how to better understand and master molecular anisotropy. The creative and coherent research endeavours of Mauro Perfetti were conceived and achieved to answer such a question.

For more details see the official press release.

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