Wojciech Suski passed away on April 3, 2022, at 85 years old. He was a professor at the Institute of low temperature and structures Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences (INTiBS) and his research focuses on the structure and magnetism of intermetallic compounds.
Wojciech Suski
* 29 Sep 1936 † 3 April 2022
It is with great sadness that we announce that Professor Wojciech Suski, passed away on April 3, 2022, at the age of 85. After studies at the University of Wroclaw and a PhD in 1965 at the Technical University of Wroclaw, he has worked for many years (since 1968) at the Institute of low temperature and structures Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences (INTiBS) at Wroclaw where he received the title of Professor in 1983. Professor Wojciech Suski has been head of the magnetism and metals divisions at INTIBS (1992-1998). Expert in the structure and magnetism of intermetallic compounds he has performed pioneer research on the magnetic properties of uranium compounds and other 4f electron containing compounds. He has also worked at the high magnetic field and low-temperature laboratory of the Polish Academy of sciences. Professor Wojciech Suski was also a member of several societies: the Polish Society of Chemistry, the Polish Society of Physics, as well as a member for many years of the scientific council of the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Many of you had the opportunity to meet him at scientific conferences and collaborate with him. Professor Wojciech Suski will remain in our memories as an exceptionally kind, courteous and modest man.
Olivier Isnard
Grenoble, France