Results for call 2020 ERC Advanced grants have been published recently. Among these, several projects are related to magnetism.
The projects of interest for the magnetism community are listed below. You may also download the list of all funded projects.
Max Planck Society (DE)
BIO-enMR: New routes for magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biomolecules by combining EPR and NMR methods
Max Planck Society (DE)
M2FINDERS: Mapping Magnetic Fields with INterferometry Down to Event hoRizon Scales
ZARKA Philippe
National Center for Scientific Research (FR)
EXORADIO: Low frequency radio search and study of exoplanet magnetospheres and star-planet plasma interactions
WEBB Andrew
Leiden University Medical Center (NL)
PASMAR: Portable, accessible and sustainable magnetic resonance
FRIEND Richard
University of Cambridge (UK)
SCORS: Spin Control in Radical Semiconductors