
Prizes: Nora Dempsey, laureate of the CNRS 2021 Innovation Medal

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Nora Dempsey is one of four scientists to have been awarded the 2021 CNRS Innovation Medal. This distinction is in recognition of her work related to the fabrication, characterization and use of high-performance micro-magnets.

Created 10 years ago, the CNRS Innovation Medal honours people whose outstanding research has led to significant technological, economic, therapeutic or social innovations that promote French scientific research. Nora works at the CNRS Institut Néel since 2001 where she is developing processes for the synthesis of high-performance micro-magnets. Driven by her deep motivation to see her "research results applied in the real world", Nora has built strong collaborations with companies such as Toyota, the start-up Magia Diagnostic, and Hprobe. This award recognizes solid teamwork between scientists, engineers and technicians within Institut Néel and several external collaborations.

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