
2020 ERC Consolidator grants disclosed

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The ERC will fund 327 Consolidator projects worth €655 million (2020 call). Several of these projects are related to magnetism.

The European Research Council selected projects to be funded in the 2020 Consolidator Grants call. The projects of interest for the magnetism community are listed below. You may also download the list of all funded projects, as well as read the ERC press release.

University of Glasgow (UK)
3DNANOMAG: Three-dimensional nanoscale magnetic structures

TELEKI Alexandra
Uppsala University (SE)
MAGNETO: Nanoengineered magnetoresponsive diagnosis and personalized treatment of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease

MUTTA Venkata Kamalakar
Uppsala University (SE)
SPINNER: Spin Engineering in Flexible and Functional Two-Dimensional Quantum Material Devices

[Based on screening https://erc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/document/file/erc-2020-cog-results-pe.pdf; magnetism-related projects identified by the EMA Communication team]

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