It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Boris A. Kalinikos, Professor of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, who passed away on November 7, 2020.
Boris A. Kalinikos
* July 12, 1945 † November 7, 2020
It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Boris A. Kalinikos, Professor of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, who passed away on November 7, 2020. After graduating in 1969, his entire scientific career was dedicated to this university. For many years (1989-2018) he held the Chair of Physical Electronics. He was chairman of one of the University Council’s scientific committees.
Boris was one of the world's leading experts in the field of spin wave electronics in general and dipole exchange spin waves in ferrite films in particular. His contribution was crucial for the discovery of such fundamental phenomena as spin wave resonance in thin ferrite films (1972), envelope solitons (1983), and self-modulation instability of nonlinear spin waves (1984). He is credited with the development of methods for the generation of "light" (1998) and "dark" (2000) spin wave solitons and the discovery of fractals (2006) and chaos (2011) of envelope solitons.
For many years, Boris was Chairman of a leading scientific school "Microwave Electronics" in the Russian Federation.
He collaborated extensively with international researchers, particularly from the United States and Germany.
He was a mentor to a large number of talented young researchers. In particular, he has supervised more than 20 Ph.D. and 4 D.Sc. theses as well as hundreds of master's theses. He actively contributed to the development of scientific research on microwave photonics until his last days.
His achievements were honored several times by awards, decorations and medals, including the Russian Federation Presidential Certificate of Honor.
Boris was a thoughtful, inspiring and benevolent person, highly professional and hard working. He was an outstanding example of an excellent scientist and a compassionate human being.
We will miss him deeply.
May he rest in peace.
Moscow and Kaiserslautern
Sergey A. Nikitov
Burkard Hillebrands