ESM2019 and ESM2020 are being organized. They will take place in Brno, Czech Republic, and Saarbrücken, Germany, respectively. ESM will make a break in 2021, as the IEEE Summer School of the Magnetics Society will be organized in Europe. We are launching a call to organize and host ESM in 2022 and beyond.
Dear colleagues,
The next two sessions of the European School on Magnetism will take place in Brno, Czech Republic (Sep 2019) and Saarbrücken, Germany (Sep-Oct 2020). In 2021 ESM makes a break while the Summer School of the IEEE Magnetics Society is hosted in Europe, following an agreement between EMA and the IEEE Magnetics Society.
We are hereby launching a call for the organization and hosting of ESM in 2022 and possibly beyond. The bids will be examined by the steering committee of ESM at a meeting held during JEMS 2019, next August. Please contact Olivier Fruchart, the General Chair of ESM, if you are considering making a bid, so that you are provided with practical guidelines. We request that the bids are received by 1st July 2019, to allow for time to discuss the bids with the proposers.
Kind regards.
Olivier Fruchart, on behalf of the steering committee of ESM.