
Memorandum of Understanding signed with the IEEE Magnetics Society

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The European Magnetism Association and the IEEE Magnetics Society signed a Memorandum of Understanding, to encourage the exchange and dissemination of technical information, and to promote understanding and cooperation between the members of the two societies.

1. MEMBERSHIP To implement the cooperation between the EMA and MS resulting from this agreement, it is desirable to encourage physicists, chemists, material scientists, electrical and electronics engineers, computer engineers, computer scientists, other information technology professionals, and students in those and related fields to become members of both societies by granting advantageous membership dues rates. For the term of this agreement a reciprocal 10% discount on the basic membership payments will be allowed on EMA dues and the MS member fees. This discount does not apply to additional fees, such as subscriptions to other MS publications that may be available during the term of the agreement. The discount on MS member fees will be effective as soon as possible after execution of this agreement. The discount on EMA dues will be effective as soon as required government approvals – if any - are received. The discounted MS offer does not apply to MS affiliate members. The EMA and MS agree to advertise these discounts in their membership development materials.

2. PUBLICATIONS EMA and MS may engage in cooperative activities relating to their periodical publications (A discussion should be carried out with the EMA and MS to decide what reciprocal publications are available to IEEE MS members).

A. Members of the EMA who are not members of the MS may subscribe to MS member optional periodicals at the “sister society” rate. (Sister society prices are higher than MS member prices, but substantially lower than nonmember prices.)

B. It is understood that all sister society subscriptions are to be for the exclusive benefit of individual members of EMA and that they shall not be used for university or corporate libraries, corporations, or other institutions that normally purchase nonmember subscriptions.

C. EMA may negotiate a “bulk subscription” agreement through which EMA may make a selected MS periodical available to EMA members through the EMA fulfillment procedures. Any such arrangement will be documented in a separate agreement.

3. TECHNICAL MEETINGS Both the EMA and MS have strong programs of diverse technical meetings, and each can benefit from cooperative activities.

A. Plans and schedules for international conferences and major events (e.g., schools) will be exchanged between the EMA and MS. The Steering Committee of the European School of Magnetism (ESM) and that of the MS Magnetism School exchange information before and after making a decision on the timing, location or topic of the schools.

B. To the extent practical, consultation will take place when it is proposed to conduct a major conference or event in Europe by the MS.

C. The MS and EMA will consider proposals for “in cooperation” technical sponsorship of (one/two) conferences in Europe each year in which the MS and EMA are not a financial cosponsor.

D. The EMA and the MS will seek to form partnerships for the co-sponsorship of international technical meetings when practical and in the best interests of both organizations to do so.

E. Exchange of presidents’ addresses at annual meetings, and organization of conference sessions, i.e., a “MS track” at the EMA annual conference, will be arranged as opportunities arise.

F. Respective Coordinators for the International Relationships of the MS and the EMA will be nominated by each society and will be eventually invited to the General Council of the EMA and to the AdCom of the MS, without voting right.

4. OTHER JOINT ACTIVITIES The EMA and MS may, subject to agreement on specific items, enter into joint projects, events, and products such as conferences, forums, publications, electronic publishing initiatives, history observations, standards, educational materials, etc. Specific initial activities include active links on each society’s web site to the web site of the other, and reciprocal advertisements for promotional purposes (membership,publications, conferences, and other products and services), which are routinely accomplished by the staffs of the two organizations. MagSoc and EMA would eventually send relevant messages to their own members on behalf of the other.

5. REVIEW, AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION Amendments to the agreement may be proposed at any time, but will not be valid until both the EMA and MS have approved them. The term of this agreement shall be from the date of its execution to 31 December 2021, subject to termination by both parties on three months’ notice in writing. Renewal is contingent upon approval by both societies. This agreement comes into force by the signatures of both parties on 1 January, 2019.

Executed on behalf of:
The IEEE Magnetics Society (MS)
President Manuel Vazquez
445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 459
Piscataway, NJ 08855-0459
Tel: 800-678-4333

The European Magnetism Association (EMA)
President Dino Fiorani
Istituto di Struttura della Materia
Area della Ricerca di Roma
C.P. 10, 00015 Monterotondo Stazione (Roma) – Italy
Tel: +393316424670

Download the printed version of the Memorandum of Understanding.

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