Two great years in a row !
JEMS 2018 held in Mainz, ESM 2018 held in Krakow
JEMS 2019 to be held in Uppsala, ESM2019 to be held in Brno
Besides this, a Memorandum of Understanding signed with the IEEE Magnetics Society in 2018
2018 has been a very active year for EMA. First, a Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JESM) was held, organized by Jairo Sinova and his team early September 2018 in Mainz, Germany. The number of participants was very high, close to one thousand, which contributed to a very lively conference. With a limited number of parallel sessions (five this time) and dedicated poster sessions, JEMS keeps its unique format allowing high standards for the contributions, critical mass of attendance in the symposia, and excellent networking at the posters. Second, a European School on Magnetism (ESM) also took place, organized by Marek Przybylski and his team in Krakow, with focused topic Magnetism by Light. This session was the first in a series, marking a turning point in the ESM: from this year, the ESM shall be held every year (except those years when the IEEE Magnetic Summer School is held in Europe), and it will travel through Europe, hosted by the scientific Chair of the School. This scheme matches the one already existing for the Joint European Magnetic Symposia, ensuring that one major event of each type, i.e. both conference and school, is easily reachable for the European community every year.
On the organization side, the European Magnetism Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the IEEE Magnetics Society in order to encourage the exchange and dissemination of technical information, and to promote understanding and cooperation between the members of the two organizations.
In 2018 we also added to EMA’s webpage (magnetism.eu) about 15 links, 70 new events, 110 job offers, and 25 news of general interest in the field of magnetism. These were promoted in the monthly newsletter and on our Linked profile. Through these, we are proud to participate in the networking within our community.
2019 will again be rich in events, with JEMS2019 (26-30 Aug, in Uppsala, Sweden), and ESM2019 (2-13 Sep, in Brno, Czech Republic). Beyond these, we wish you an exciting year and all possible achievements for the time ahead.
Dino Fiorani, President of EMA
Burkard Hillebrands, Vice-President of EMA
Michal Stano, scientific secretary,
Olivier Fruchart, Communication Chair,
All on behalf of the European Magnetism Association (EMA).