
Postdoc: Energy storage using topological spin textures in oxides

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2024-11-24 | Post-doc

Lab/Company : DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Location : Lyngby, Denmark

Yearly income :


Expiration : 2025-01-01 [YYYY-MM-DD]

Description of the offer :

Do you want to contribute to the creation of a new generation of energy storage devices relying on topological spin textures? At DTU Energy our research efforts aim at developing novel energy storage principles. Topological spin textures and skyrmions have traditionally been investigated in their relationship within future logic and memory units. This postdoc fellowship will build on this knowledge and attempt to realize energy storage using such topological spin textures in complex oxides thin films. The position offered is part of a new national project supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark which also funds a PhD student working on the same topic. The project is carried out in close collaboration between DTU Energy in Denmark and international partners.

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